Heading to New York Comic Con!
Attending New York Comic Con on October 11-14? Come say hi to me in Artists Alley (table D2).
If you show me that you “like” my Facebook page, Christopher Jones Comic Art, I’ll give you a *FREE* signed Young Justice mini-print or Christopher Jones Comic Art button!
I’ll be signing at DC Comics (Booth #1238) Saturday 10-11am and Sunday 1:30-2:30pm.
Sunday from 2:30-3:30pm I’ll be on the Drawing DC: Kids Edition panel in Room 1A06.
Are you a cosplayer? I’d love to take your photo to share on my blog, and I’d especially love to have a photo taken *with* any cosplayers wearing costumes from Young Justice, Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, or any of my other projects! Stop by and I might just have a freebie for you, too!
Can’t wait to meet you all!
By Yojimbo, October 8, 2012 @ 10:01 pm
Are going to the “Drawing DC: Kids Edition” on October 14th? I ask because I think you went to a similar panel with Art and Franco at a previous con?
By Christopher Jones, October 8, 2012 @ 10:59 pm
I will be there! And it’s on my birthday!
By Yojimbo, October 8, 2012 @ 11:37 pm
Cool, hope someone records and posts it. Enigmatic hints about future issues of YJ please. lol. And pre-Happy Birthday!
By Christopher Jones, October 9, 2012 @ 12:09 am
You mean stuff like “I’m trying to decide how much red and silver to keep in the costume of the Young Justice version of the character I’m designing for issue #23?
By Yojimbo, October 9, 2012 @ 2:36 am
lol, yes, stuff like that. But watch out for the black nondescript van. They have blow darts I hear.
And a little insight into the process of working with Weisman, Vietti, and co. and the DC staff wouldn’t hurt. I can’t speak for everyone, but that kind of collaboration is interesting to learn more about.
… wait, is this cryptic-ness example related to that new villain tweet from earlier Monday?
By Christopher Jones, October 9, 2012 @ 3:08 am
As much as *I’d* like to talk about that kind of thing on a panel, the one at C2E2 in the Spring was attended mainly by young kids and their accompanying parents, who were more the Tiny Titans crowd, and their biggest interest in Young Justice is that they wanted to see more “super pets” in the series. A discussion of the creative process or the ins and outs of working on a comic based on a TV show based on a comic wouldn’t have worked with that crowd.
We’ll see what kind of a panel the one scheduled for NYCC ends up being!
And regarding the cryptic-ness… to quote a rabbit I know: “Nyyyyyaaaa, could be!”
By Yojimbo, October 9, 2012 @ 3:20 am
Ah, good point. I’m guessing you got a lot of “more Krypto” comments.
Wabbit season it is. Thanks though, your cryptic character hints the past few months were welcome (still thinking about that LOD one even) sight during the episode hiatus.
By Christopher Jones, October 9, 2012 @ 3:34 am
I’m always happy to participate in something that young fans will enjoy and that helps promote the book, but it wasn’t the panel I wanted to have. I’d love to do a panel that gave us a chance to talk to the show and the comic’s teen and adult fans where we could talk a little more about the story and the characters and the creative process rather than just speaking to the small kids.
By Yojimbo, October 9, 2012 @ 3:49 am
Yeah, correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems to come down to logistics. It’d be awesome to see you, Mr. Weisman, Vietti, Bourassa, and Hopps on a panel talking about the comic someday. Of course, I also hope you would get a chance to do some sort of mini-comic prequel that comes with purchase of the YJ: Legacy game or official strategy guide (if one is made). So I hope for many things…season 3 being up there.
With NYCC and SDCC, not to denigrate their systems, but it seems like it’s really hard to get a space and time for a panel with each passing year. At SDCC, for example, it’s just one DC Nation panel that squeezes four shows plus the shorts into one panel yet the two upcoming shows got the majority of the spotlight.