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I answered some questions about Young Justice for Worlds Finest Online on the occasion of the impending release of the trade paperback collecting the first seven issues (#0-6) of Young Justice. You can pick it up at your local comic shop, or if that’s not an option, it’s also available at Amazon.com. The 7-issue collection retails for $12.99.
A glowing review of Young Justice #11 from BW Media.
And a positive review of Young Justice #11 from Mild Mannered Reviews.
That Mild Mannered review was a little critical of the story largely because so much of the focus of the issue was Robin having a solo adventure with Batman and we didn’t see much of the rest of the team. I can understand that, but I think it’s fun seeing more of the TV show’s characters outside of the group adventures seen on the show. Future issues of the comic will features subsets of the whole team and split the group up in various ways. And the events of Young Justice #11 develop over the next two issues into a storyline that involves everybody. So I’m curious what readers (and reviewers) will think as we get deeper into the series.
What do YOU think? Is the Young Justice tie-in comic a good place to give team members a moment to stand in the spotlight solo, or do you just want to see team adventures that resemble what is seen on the TV show?

Young Justice #11 cover
Another review for Young Justice #11!
That’s in addition to the previous review from IGN:
Visit your local comic shop to pick it up, or you can pick up ALL issues of Young Justice in digital form!

Young Justice #11 cover
The reviews for Young Justice #11 have started coming in!
Visit your local comic shop to pick it up, or you can pick up ALL issues of Young Justice in digital form!
From A Speeding Bullet – Comix Reviews & Opinions:
“Christopher Jones’ artwork is a big draw for the book. It fits with the show’s style, but it stands out on its own in a way a number of DC’s other cartoon tie-in books don’t. Other books mimic the aesthetics of the shows they’re based upon, but for Young Justice, Jones doesn’t mimic but adapt. A sense of motion, an impression of energy and presence, is pervasive throughout the issue, and a number of panels, particularly the climactic confrontation, are kinetic. His actual compositions are very straightforward and his layouts are often simple; this is absolutely not a bad thing. Jones uses these often basic layouts to streamline the action and experiment with perspective in a fashion that supports the script while also expanding visually upon it. “
Aw, shucks.
Read Young Justice in digital form or at your local comic shop!

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The Superman Homepage‘s Mild Mannered Reviews has a nice look at Young Justice #10 online. Check it out, and then pick up the comic in digital form or at your local comic shop!

Young Justice #10 Cover