Posts tagged: time lord

Sonic Envy is Canon in Day of the Doctor?

Sonic-Envy-reframed-prevThis art is available on Etsy

When I first drew this piece back in 2010, I had no idea it would prove to be so prophetic. It was basically just expressing my reaction to the toy version of the 11th Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver (which I had dutifully collected.) Somehow the images I’d seen online and in the show didn’t fully convey how much larger it was than the previous model, and the pop-out claw that had been added just seemed to push it over the top.

Little did I imagine than that 3 years later the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special would be focused primarily on pairing these two Doctors, and that there would be a moment where there screwdrivers come out and… well…. from what I understand they make pretty much this joke. We’ll see how close they come when I see the actual episode with everyone else this Saturday, November 23rd!

You can choose to believe that.
Or you can accept the truth
Photo on 2013-11-20 at 23.02 #3 copy