This weekend I’ll be a guest at my old hometown Doctor Who convention Console Room Jan 12-14 at the Hilton MSP Airport/Mall of America Hotel in Bloomington, MN.
I’m looking forward to seeing many old friends and meeting fellow Doctor Who fans.
I’ll be doing a signing each day of the con. Signatures are free and I’ll have copies for sale of Heralds of Destruction (my 3rd Doctor comic written by Paul Cornell), Operation Volcano (my 7th Doctor comic written by Andrew Cartmel), and Once Upon a Time Lord (my 10th Doctor graphic novel written by Dan Slott). I’ll also have a selection of my 11×17 Doctor Who art prints, including two NEW pieces – the cover art from Once Upon a Time Lord and my design of a “Season 27” era console room as I had designed for Operation Volcano.

On Sunday I’ll be privileged to interview Sylvester McCoy on MainStage, so stop by to see how that goes!

Saturday morning at 10:00am I’ll be giving a visual presentation on my history with Doctor Who artwork. It’s a retrospective and also has a bit of window into my process and just some fun stories and Easter eggs. I hope some folks get up early enough on Saturday to come join me!
My full Console Room 2024 schedule is below.
Friday, January 12
4:45pm–5:45pm – The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
6:00pm–6:30pm – Opening Ceremony
6:45pm–7:45pm – Signing (Prints & Books for Sale)
Saturday, January 13
10:00am–11:00am – Christopher Jones: Drawing Doctor Who for Titan Comics
11:15am–12:15 – Signing (Prints & Books for Sale)
1:45pm–2:45pm – The Curse of the Fatal Death 25th Anniversary
Sunday, January 14
10:00am–11:00am – Signing (Prints & Books for Sale)
12:30pm–1:30pm – The Era of the Professor
1:45pm–2:45pm – Sylvester McCoy Interview
3:00pm – 4:00m – Comics Panel
5:30 PM – 6:00 PM | Closing Ceremony
If you’re at Console Room this weekend, please stop by and say hello!
Tags: 10th Doctor, 3rd Doctor 7th Doctor, Christopher Jones, Console Room, convention, Doctor Who, Doctor Who Comics, Minneapolis, Sylvester McCoy
Conventions, Doctor Who | Christopher Jones |
January 9, 2024 12:18 pm |
Comments (38)

Giant Cobra on Hennepin Mall
Before Young Justice #18 comes out next Wednesday, I wanted to make one last plug for the current issue, Young Justice #17. For my local friends, you won’t want to miss the Minneapolis landmarks featured in this story, and it’s chock-full of action as Robin, Kid Flash and Artemis do battle with the Kobra Cult while their Justice League mentors Batman, Flash and Green Arrow have to contend with a giant cobra rampaging through the City of Lakes. (That’s Minneapolis, in case you don’t know. I just wanted to avoid saying Minneapolis twice in one sentence!)
Here’s a couple of nice reviews in case you needed further convincing:
“Currently the best superhero comic coming out of DC Comics. Support this series.”
– BW Media
Be sure to pick the issue up at your local comics shop or in digital form!
Art and cover by CHRISTOPHER JONES
On sale JULY 18 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED E

Young Justice #17 Cover
YOUNG JUSTICE #17 is written by Kevin Hopps and Greg Weisman and Christopher Jones with color by Zac Atkinson.
- KOBRA is back – and he’s scheming to become a god!
- Don’t miss the action as ROBIN, KID FLASH and ARTEMIS tackle MAMMOTH and SHIMMER!
- Guest-starring BATMAN, THE FLASH and GREEN ARROW!
- The issue is set in MINNEAPOLIS, so for readers local to the area you should recognize a number of familiar landmarks and Easter eggs!
 YJ #17 page 1 |  YJ #17 page 2 |  YJ #17 page 3 |

YJ #17 Title Spread
Be sure to pick the issue up at your local comics shop or in digital form!
Tags: Artemis, Batman, Green Arrow, Greg Weisman, Kevin Hopps, Kid Flash, Kobra, Mammoth, Minneapolis, Robin, Shimmer, The Flash, Young Justice
Young Justice | Christopher Jones |
June 21, 2012 8:05 am |
Comments (2)