Emerald City Comic Con 2024

I’m delighted to be returning to Emerald City Comic Con, February 29—March 3, 2024. I’ll be set up at Artist Alley table B-11 selling prints and comics featuring my art, and generally chatting with fans who want to stop by and say hello. As always, autographs are free. I’ll also be taking a VERY LIMITED number of request for original sketch commissions, so if you’re interested, stop by EARLY and reserve your space on the list.

More details below:

Emerald City ComiCon is being held at the Seattle Convention Center, with Artist Alley located on the 2nd Floor of the Summit building.

Artist Alley Hours are:
Thursday:   10:00am—7:00pm
Friday:        10:00am—7:00pm
Saturday:   10:00am—7:00pm
Sunday:      10:00am—5:00pm

My prints are 11″x17″ on cardstock paper. They are $20 each (already a savings over what they cost when ordered from my Etsy store), but I can offer a discount of 3 for $50. I’ll have a selection of Young Justice and Doctor Who prints available, plus Justice League and Harley Quinn prints.

Harley Quinn - Check Please

I still have copies available of Once Upon a Time Lord, the recent Doctor Who graphic novel by Marvel writer Dan Slott, with artwork by myself, Matthew Dow Smith and Mike Collins, and Heralds of Destruction, the Third Doctor mini-series I drew with a script by Paul Cornell. Those books are $20 each, and can be bundled with prints for that 3 for $50 discount.



I’m doing commission sketches for the first time in a while at the convention this year. If I’m drawing on my own paper I’ve got 9″x12″ bristol, but I will also draw in sketchbooks or on sketch covers if you bring them to me. Head-and-shoulders sketches are $100 and a full figure is $200.



I hope to see you there!


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