Doing my first Reddit AMA
I am doing my very first Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) this weekend on r/YoungJustice with Zac Atkinson!
Join DC’s Young Justice Comic Book artists Christopher Jones (penciller/inker) and Zac Atkinson (colorist) for an AMA on r/YoungJustice Sunday, March 10th at 5PM EST/4PM CST! Chris and Zac will be answering comic art questions about the Young Justice comic and any other comics projects they’ve worked on, what it is like to work with Greg Weisman and DC Comics, the process behind creating comic book art, and really anything else you might want to know!
You can visit Christopher Jones’ website at You can visit Zac Atkinson’s website at
(Chris and Zac worked on the Young Justice comic book for DC Comics. They have not worked on the Young Justice TV show and don’t have any inside information about the show.)
This will be Zac’s and my first foray onto Reddit, but hopefully it will be fun! (Though I am still on the fence about whether I would rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck. I’ll have to give that one some thought…)
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