Category: Doctor Who

Minnesota Whovians! Come see me at CONsole Room this weekend!


CONsole Room logo 400x400

This weekend (May 29-31) I’ll be a featured guest at CONsole Room 2015: The Twin Cities Dilemma , a Doctor Who convention here in my local Twin Cities, MN held at the Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport. I couldn’t attend last year’s inaugural convention due to a conflict, so when I was invited as a guest this year I was delighted to say yes!

Here’s my schedule for the weekend:

Friday 7:00 PM

  • Opening Ceremony (Main Stage/Ballrooms II-IV) Opening ceremony is our time to officially welcome both our attendees and guests to CONsole Room 2015: The Twin Cities Dilemma. Join us for a welcome from convention chairperson Jason Tucker and wave hello to all of our fabulous guests as well!

Saturday 11:30 AM

  • Introducing fans to the new series of Doctor who (Mallard Point) Rose or New Earth? What are the best episodes of the new series of Doctor Who to show to a newbie? Featuring – Christopher Jones, Sarah Humphries 

Sunday 2:30 PM

  • Comic Book Artist Conversation (Main Stage/Ballrooms II-IV) Are you an aspiring comic book artist? Visit Main Stage to hear from two of our Featured Guests who have worked on comics like Young Justice, Marvel Superhero Squad, X-Files, Godzilla and more. Featuring – Christopher Jones, Gordon Purcell

Sunday 4:00 PM

  • Closing Ceremony (Main Stage/Ballrooms II-IV) It’s the end, again! How did another CONsole Room fly by?! Join CONsole Room chairperson Jason Tucker along with all of our guests to bid farewell to CONsole Room 2015. Don’t worry though – you’ll also get to hear a little bit about what we have planned for CONsole Room 2016!

I’ll of course be set up at a table for the duration of the convention and have my full selection of prints available, featuring Doctor Who, superheroes and more. I’ll also be selling comic books I’ve worked on including Young Justice trade paperbacks. I’ll also be doing sketch commissions.

The Guest of Honor at CONsole Room this year is Doctor Who‘s Sixth Doctor, Colin Baker. Given that, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to add an 11×17″ color portrait of The Sixth Doctor to my collection of Doctor Who prints!

The Sixth Doctor - Framed prev


Each of these 8.5×11″ black and white prints are just $5.00!


Nightwing's Butt 11242897_10152759523481372_1437973553_oWonder Woman 77

I’ve got some 8.5×11″ Classic Doctor goodness too.


Dr Who - Hartnell prev 402586_308524479185154_2005415147_n

And, let’s not forget the 11×17″…


Go Team Batgirl! Bat Wolf Art Print
for the fans print644373_489660067738260_411142785_n 5983_489660081071592_1422760320_n TARDIS-on-Alien-World-Framed-Print-prev Sonic-Envy-reframed-prev 419749_322498741121061_1633382668_n 602106_489660681071532_1188768855_n Bill-Ted-Daleks-Restoration-Framed-prev

These 11×17″ full color prints are just $20 each (a significant discount from my Etsy store), and as usual, 3 for $50 on all of my 11×17″ prints.

I’ll also have my newest free mini-print for my Facebook and Twitter followers!

Wonder Woman Flying her invisible jet mini-print

Looking forward to seeing all of you Whovians this weekend!

If you haven’t pre-registered for CONsole Room but would still like to attend, you can find At-the-Door Registration info here. They DO have 1-day passes available!

See you in the CONsole Room!

Christopher Jones Art Prints GRODD WANT ART ETSY SALE!

Art Sale Infographic

I know that due to logistics and geography, a lot of you haven’t had the opportunity to see me at a convention or signing, but want to pick up one or more of my art prints. You probably know that most of my art prints are available for purchase in my Etsy store, but to show you I appreciate you all just as much as those able to visit me at events, I’m holding an online art sale! This is your chance to pick up that art you’ve been eyeing from me at a bit of a discount.

My GRODD WANT ART SALE will run until June 23!

(Why Grodd? No reason. I just love Grodd.)

Check out my Etsy Store at to see the full selection of art prints I have available. Use one of the discount codes at checkout.

GRODDMEGA – 40% off any purchase of $150 or more
GRODD45 – $45 off any purchase of $120 or more
GRODD30 – $30 off any purchase of $90 or more
GRODD15 – $15 off any purchase of $60 or more
GRODD5 – $5 off any purchase of $30 or more
FRUGALGRODD – 10% off any purchase of $10 or more

Also, prints now ship inside the United States at just $5 for any size order, and there’s a combined shipping discount on international orders.

Art prints all feature an original signature by the artist (yours truly) and can be personalized upon request.

I won’t offer discounts on online purchases super often, but it is my plan to hold an online sale at least once per year going forward.

Gallifrey One: 25 Glorious Years



Okay, at the 11th hour, I am finally posting my FULL schedule master post for Gallifrey One: 25 Glorious Years. I can’t even tell you how busy I’ve been in the past week to only be getting to this now. But, I’m now in sunny & warm Los Angeles surrounded by several thousand Doctor Who fans. And it is awesome.

Anyway, I’ve been a tad more involved in Gallifrey One this year – I designed this year’s logo, and provided art for the Registration postcard, as well as helping to organize a large Young Justice event at the convention. I’ll be on a couple panels this weekend, and I’ve made sure to have some table time every day so I can be found! So, let’s get down to business, shall we?


Here’s my full Gallifrey One: 25 Glorious Years schedule:


1:30pm-3:00pm – Exhibitor table
3:30pm-4:30pm – Four Color Wonderland (Programming B)


10:00am-3:00pm – Exhibitor table
3:00pm-4:00pm – Kaffeeklatsch (Greg Weisman/Christopher Jones)
5:00pm-6:00pm – Young Justice Panel (Programming B)
6:30pm until ??? – Young Justice Meet-Up (Lobby)


1:00pm-3:00pm – Exhibitor table


Gallifrey One Art Show

This is my new print for this year, “For the Fans”! It’s available this weekend at the special Gallifrey One price of $15. After this weekend, it’ll be available at my normal price of $20 at conventions/$30 in my Etsy store.


These prints will also be available in the Gallifrey One Art Show…

TARDIS-on-Alien-World-Framed-Print-prev 644373_489660067738260_411142785_n Sonic-Envy-reframed-prev

5983_489660081071592_1422760320_n 602106_489660681071532_1188768855_n Bill-Ted-Daleks-Restoration-Framed-prev 419749_322498741121061_1633382668_n 190263_436197543084513_1330743290_n 402586_308524479185154_2005415147_n

Young-Justice-Framed-prev  The Family Crock - Framed prev Earths Mightiest Heroes - Framed prev 32346_436201606417440_836745009_n


Exhibitor Table

I’ll have ALL of my prints available while I’m at my hall table, as well as a VERY LIMITED number of Young Justice trade paperbacks. I’ll also be happy to sign anyone’s Gallifrey One 2014 postcard, for which I provided the art. You should be able to find stacks of these around the convention throughout the weekend as well! :)



Of course, I’ll have FREE buttons or Disco Nightwing mini-prints for my Twitter & Facebook followers!


And don’t forget to ask me for a ribbon! I brought 150 of these with me and when they’re gone, they’re gone!



On Saturday afternoon, Greg Weisman will be available at my table for a few hours to sell/sign copies of his novel, Rain of the Ghosts, along with special bonus Character Design concept art!



Young Justice Events!!

young justice gally panel

There will be a Young Justice panel at 5:00pm on Saturday, Feb. 15th in Program Room B! Confirmed panelists are listed below but with this crowd, you never know who might turn up.

    • Cameron Bowen – Voice of Robin (Tim Drake)
    • Kris Carter – Composer
    • Christopher Jones – Comic Book Artist
    • Stephanie Lemelin – Voice of Artemis
    • Eric Lopez – Voice of Blue Beetle
    • Vanessa Marshall – Voice of Black Canary
    • Michael McCuistion – Composer
    • Masasa Moyo – Voice of Bumble Bee
    • Lolita Ritmanis – Composer
    • Andrew Robinson – Writer
    • Brent Spiner – Voice of the Joker
    • Jason Spisak – Voice of Kid Flash
    • Greg Weisman – Producer

There will be a short time for signing after the panel. Then starting at 6:30pm, join Greg Weisman, myself, and other Young Justice contributors for a casual Young Justice fan meet-up in the LAX Marriott lobby. The meet-up is open to the public, but it is during a Doctor Who convention, so expect crowds and to spend your time standing! Also, full disclosure: if it becomes too crowded, the hotel may ask anyone not attending the convention to leave.

Also, I’ve created a special SYMBIOSI ribbon for anyone attending the Young Justice panel or the Meet-up afterwards.



Okay – I think that’s all the Gallifrey One news & info! Looking forward to seeing lots of fellow Doctor Who and Young Justice fans this weekend! Whew- I’m done with this JUST IN TIME to make it to my first table appearance. Better get going! Allons-y!

Sonic Envy is Canon in Day of the Doctor?

Sonic-Envy-reframed-prevThis art is available on Etsy

When I first drew this piece back in 2010, I had no idea it would prove to be so prophetic. It was basically just expressing my reaction to the toy version of the 11th Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver (which I had dutifully collected.) Somehow the images I’d seen online and in the show didn’t fully convey how much larger it was than the previous model, and the pop-out claw that had been added just seemed to push it over the top.

Little did I imagine than that 3 years later the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special would be focused primarily on pairing these two Doctors, and that there would be a moment where there screwdrivers come out and… well…. from what I understand they make pretty much this joke. We’ll see how close they come when I see the actual episode with everyone else this Saturday, November 23rd!

You can choose to believe that.
Or you can accept the truth
Photo on 2013-11-20 at 23.02 #3 copy

Denver Comic Con – May 31-June 2 2013


What a crazy month! It seems like just yesterday I was at the C2E2 convention in Chicago, then it was Free Comic Book Day at The Source Comics and Games, last weekend it was MCBA Springcon, and now I’m getting ready to head off to  Denver Comic Conand I can’t wait! I’ll be joining my Young Justice partner-in-crime Greg Weisman at the Denver show, so it’ll be a great opportunity to get us BOTH to sign all those Young Justice comic books and prints! I’m really looking forward to this, and it’ll be my first visit to Denver if you don’t count layovers at the airport.

At my table, I am happy to sign anything you bring me! I will be doing commission sketches, and I will have comics and Young Justice trade paperbacks for sale.

In addition to my Young Justice prints, I’ll have plenty of other 11″×17″ prints for $20 each, some of which you can see here.

Young Justice - Framed prevThe Green Hornet Strikes Again!Trinity
Herbert West: Re-AnimatorDoctor Doom pin-upThe Punisher

And for the Doctor Who fans…

Sonic EnvyTARDIS on Alien World - Framed Print prev

Intellect and RomanceMost HeinousI Am The Master - Framed prev

Totter's Lane - Framed Print prevCome on Ace - Framed Print prev

Stop by my table and show me that you follow my Christopher Jones Comic Art page on Facebook or @ChrisJonesArt on Twitter and get one of two FREE exclusive items:

Disco Wing Mini-Print Ad

And remember, you can check out all my planned convention appearances for the coming year on my Appearances Page!