A tale of Batman, me, and one young fan.
I just told this story in responding to a comment on another post and I thought it was worth sharing with a wider audience.
I remember one of my earliest conventions at which I had a table as an artist – it was before I’d “broken in” to do work for DC Comics or any other major publisher. I had displayed a Batman drawing I’d done on the wall behind me – it was my response to a lot of Batman art I’d seen that didn’t strike me as having a lot of mood or atmosphere. My piece was a black and white ink drawing that was 90% black with just a moon and just enough edge-lighting in white to make out the shape of Batman’s cowl and cape.
This young kid was walking buy my table and the sight of that Batman drawing stopped him in his tracks. He looked up at the drawing and his eyes got big. “Do you… draw Batman?” he asked me.
“I drew that Batman, if that’s what you’re asking, but I haven’t worked on the comic book yet, no.”
“Oh,” the kid matter-of-factly replied, and walked away without saying another word.
I thought it was pretty funny at the time, and I *still* think it says something about fans and conventions – but don’t ask me exactly what that is!
By Bill Hedrick, April 4, 2013 @ 2:52 pm
Are you Bob Kane? no? oh… (cue lonely man walk away music)
By Greg Cimilluca (@gregc9), April 4, 2013 @ 3:02 pm
Can you post a pic of the actual batman piece? It sounds amazing. Thanks
By Christopher Jones, April 4, 2013 @ 3:06 pm
If I can find it! This was from more than 20 years ago – WAY before I was scanning everything I did. If I come across it I’ll for sure scan and post it. Or maybe I just need to do a new version…
By Hal, April 4, 2013 @ 3:23 pm
I agree it sounds awesome! I vote for a new one with your improved skills of an artist!
By Gordon Smuder, April 4, 2013 @ 7:29 pm
I suppose the only worse tale would be this: Kid: “Do YOU draw Batman??” Chris: “No, but I’ve written every issue since 1990.” Kid: “Oh…” And then walked away.
By Destiny, April 4, 2013 @ 7:47 pm
Aww, I woulda just been impressed with the ability to draw a good Batman.