Young Justice #19
Out today is YOUNG JUSTICE #19.
Will the rise of Gorilla City mean the fall of Young Justice? (SPOILER: No it won’t)
Despite what the solicitation says, I didn’t draw this one! I did the cover, but they wanted more padding in the schedule as we moved into the Season 2/Young Justice: Invasion phase of the series, so they had me skip from #18 right to drawing #20. I drew the cover (which is a favorite), but the interiors were drawn by Luciano Vecchio, and the story is by Greg Weisman.
Next issue the Season 2 characters are introduced to the comic, as Dick Grayson becomes Nightwing, Blue Beetle, Wonder Girl, Bumble Bee, Lagoon Boy, Beast Boy and Tim Drake as Robin join the team! It’s coming in just 3 weeks on September 19!
Until then, issues #0-19 are currently available and #20 is due out September 19! Pick an issue up in digital form or at your local comic shop!

Young Justice #18 Cover
YOUNG JUSTICE #18 is written by Greg Weisman and drawn by Christopher Jones with color by Zac Atkinson.
The Young Justice team faces an army of enhanced warrior apes. But when Miss Martian is knocked unconscious and the group’s psychic link goes with her, will the team still be able to work together to defeat their attackers? Moreover, what’s the origin of Gorilla City in the first place?
Featuring The Brain! Monsieur Mallah! Ultra-Humanite! Grodd! Solivar! Batman! Captain Marvel! And the entire Young Justice Team!

Pages 4/5 – Title Spread
Be sure to pick the issue up at your local comics shop or in digital form!
Tags: Batman, Captain Marvel, Greg Weisman, Grodd, Mallah, Solivar, The Brain, Ultra Humanite, Young Justice, Zac Atkinson
Young Justice | Christopher Jones |
July 18, 2012 10:39 am |
Comments (6)

Young Justice #18
I just got my comp copies of Young Justice #18, the first part of our 2-part Gorilla Grodd/Monsieur Mallah/Ultra-Humanite story. Oh, and The Brain is in it, too. The one that fought the Doom Patrol, not the one with Pinky. I know, I know. Now you want to see the other one. Talk to Greg.
Anyway, I think this may have been my best issue art-wise to date. I can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks of it. It’s due out this coming Wednesday! Be sure to pick the issue up at your local comics shop or in digital form!
Art and cover by CHRISTOPHER JONES
On sale JULY 18 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED E