I’ll be appearing at ComicCard AND Anime Detour in MN this Weekend

I have a crazy busy weekend planned. During the days I’ll be making appearances at ComicCard and Anime Detour, and in the evenings I will be on stage at the Bryant Lake Bowl as a guest performer in Vilification Tennis. Whew! Here are all the details!


Saturday March 28 I will be a Guest at ComicCard along with fellow comics creators Dave Wheeler, Frank Fosco, and Dave Strong.



ComicCard brings the best of comic books, sports cards, memorabilia and pop culture collectibles under one roof, and will also feature sports guests including former Vikings Tommy Kramer and Henry Thomas.

I will be selling comics, comic art and print as well as doing sketches. I’ll also have free mini-prints for my Facebook and Twitter followers! Admission is only $5 and kids get in free, so stop by and say hello!


10:00am – 4:30pm  at the Bloomington Armory

3300 W. 98th St., Bloomington, MN [Directions]




Detour 2015 photo

Of course Anime Detour is also this weekend and I didn’t want to miss out on seeing my fans there, so I’ll be there but on Friday and Sunday ONLY.

Look for me in the Featured Artists section on the second floor. I’ll be selling art prints, original art, custom sketches, comics, and I’ll have FREE mini-prints for my Facebook and Twitter followers.

And, since it is an anime convention, I will of course don my very beautiful flower crown. Because, as was established at Anime Detour last year, I AM A PRETTY PRINCESS.

(When in rome, right?)


Anime Detour

An annual three day anime convention Fri/Sat/Sun

Held at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Bloomington, MN



If that’s not enough opportunities to see me this weekend, I’ll also be a guest performer in Vilification Tennis at the Bryant Lake Bowl on Friday & Saturday at 10pm each night. It’s the annual Game Show installment of everyone’s favorite foul-mouthed Twin Cities comedy show. Tickets are $15 at door, $12 advance purchase or with Fringe button or with CONvergence badge.

Sunday night I will hopefully be resting comfortably at home, and (hopefully) not in the Intensive Care Unit of a local hospital.

Christopher Jones MarsCon 2015 Schedule

marscon 2015

I will be hanging out and doing some panels at MarsCon this weekend in Bloomington, MN. Here’s my schedule for the weekend:

Artist Reception — Friday 09:00 pm (1st Floor, Riverside)

Join us for the 10th year of this great tradition! All artists and fans of the Art Show are invited to join us for a lovely, relaxed evening with Robert Odegard and all the resident local artists who contribute to our Art Show. There will be no formal tour, just a chance to preview the art, drink, and eat crackers with cheese. Find out what inspires and drives our artists while surrounded by their own art in our gallery-like setting.

So You Want to Be a Comic Book Artist? — Friday 10:00 pm III (Eagle’s Nest/Re(a)d Mars) 

re you an artist? Do you love comic books, graphic novels and manga? Come hear some tips for breaking into the comics industry!
With: Christopher Jones

The Rise of Women Superheroes — Saturday 01:00 pm (Room 419/Krushenko’s)

Let’s talk about some awesome female superheroes who have become breakout sensations in recent years! Why do we love them so much, and how can we get more?
With: Christopher Jones, mod.; Lyda Morehouse, Cynthia Booth, Catherine Lundoff, Chandra Reyer

“I’d Know That Aura Anywhere:” The Lives of Barry Allen — Saturday 02:00 pm (Room 419/Krushenko’s)

In 1956 police scientist Barry Allen became the second character to don the mantle of The Flash, launching the Silver Age of Comics. After many years of wonderful stories by John Broome and Carmine Infantino, Barry fell into the hands of writers who, not understanding him, ruined him, leading to a mercy killing while saving the multiverse in 1985. But Barry’s fans stuck by him,and he returned in a 1990-1991 TV series, a comics reboot, and a wonderful new TV series. We’ll talk about Barry’s history for about 25 minutes, then open up for a discussion of TV’s new The Flash.
With: Eric M. Heideman, mod.; Roy C. Booth, Christopher Jones

Tales from Behind the Table: What it’s like to Exhibit at Comic Cons — Saturday 06:00 pm II (Cardinal Perch/Free Mars)

Come hear about the nitty gritty of exhibiting at comic cons. We’ll talk about some of our unusual experiences with convention attendees, conventions, what’s worked well for us, and what hasn’t. Here there be anecdotes!
With: Christopher Jones, Hal Bichel, Trevor Olson, Chandra Reyer

Parallel Man — Saturday 10:00 pm (III Eagle’s Nes/Re(a)d Mars) 

Learn about the creation of Parallel Man, a locally-produced action/adventure sci-fi comic book, tablet game & animation! Parallel Earths, oppressive governments, and Carl Sagan.
With: Christopher Jones


I’ll also have some prints in the MarsCon Art Show, including my new Bat Wolf print:


Bat Wolf Art Print 
And my new Wonder Woman ’77, and my Batman ’66 prints:


Wonder Woman 77  1419824_10151676850251372_1761329981_n
And, since it’s happening close to the con, I’m also hoping to stop in to see some friends perform at Die Laughing 2: Laugh Harder. We’ll see if I manage that. I donated some art to their silent auction either way, so hopefully they know I support them even if I can’t make it to the actual event.

Okay, time to run a bunch of errands before going to the con. Hey, it wouldn’t be a convention if you didn’t do at least a few things at the last minute, right?

New Print, Schedule, Ribbons, and Young Justice at Gallifrey One 2015

FINALLY got all my prints and ribbons and stuff in order and packed for Gallifrey One. Including my NEW PRINT, “Bat Wolf”. (Why? Because Batman and Doctor Who are awesome and because I can.) I first started going to Gallifrey just attending as a fan, and while I’m now a guest and will be “working” the convention from my table in the Dealers Room, for me its still one of the most enjoyable conventions I do all year. Time to seriously get my “Doctor Who Geek” on!

Bat Wolf Art Print

I’ll also have all my other Doctor Who prints, which you can preview in my etsy store. Find me in the Dealers Room to pick up some art and also to get a ribbon for your badge :)


11×17” color prints are my usual convention prices, $20 each or 3 for $50 – quite a discount from etsy!

If I’m not at my table, I’ll probably be at one of my panels:

  • Breaking Into Comics – Friday, February 14, 12:00pm-1:00pm, Program C
  • Superhero Supercrush – Saturday, February 15, 1:00pm-2:00pm,Program D
  • Kaffeeklatsch (Christopher Jones/Greg Weisman) – Saturday, February 15, 3:00pm-4:00pm, Board Room
  • Women of Young Justice – Saturday, February 15, 6:00pm-7:00pm,Program D

I’ll have some non-Doctor Who art as well, if anybody was interested in original sketches or superhero/Young Justice prints.

So some of you know Greg Weisman and I have been doing Young Justice stuff at the Gallifrey One Doctor Who convention in LA because they keep letting us. (Also we like Doctor Who.) This year we would like to present…

women of young justice promo image


Saturday, Feb 14, 6:00pm in Program Room D


  • Stephanie Lemelin – Voice of Artemis
  • Kelly Hu – Voice of Cheshire
  • Vanessa Marshall – Voice of Black Canary
  • Masasa Moyo – Voice of Bumblebee
  • Lolita Ritmanis – Composer
  • Greg Weisman – Writer/Producer
  • Christopher Jones – Comic Book Artist

The panel is open only to Gallifrey One members. Greg and I and anybody else who wants to will stick around for about an hour in the same room for a Young Justice meet-up, if anybody wants to grab an autograph or photo or just hang out and talk YJ for a bit.

YES, we will record the panel. (Here’s the video from last year’s Young Justice panel at Gallifrey One.)

I’m always happy talking to fans at every convention I attend, but ESPECIALLY at Gallifrey One I’m there as a fan too, so please come up and say hello if you see me around the con!

Parallel Man #2 in stores today!

Parallel Man Logo

The second issue of my new science fiction adventure comic book series Parallel Man: Invasion America hits stores today!

The story of Parallel Man follows Commander Nick Morgan — an intelligence agent from an evil version of America in an alternate universe. His government, known as The Ascendancy, has attacked and enslaved eleven other Earths and has its sights set on our world as their next target for their empire. Nick’s counterpart on our Earth is Nicholas Morgan, just an average gamer and about as far from a trained military operative as you can get. He gets pulled into the action when The Ascendancy’s Major Mackenzie Cartwright comes looking for Tobias Morgan, Nick’s grandfather, who holds they key to a superweapon that could control the Ascendancy’s destiny.

PM_IA_02_Comixology 3PM_IA_02_Comixology 4PM_IA_02_Comixology-5
PM_IA_02_Comixology 6PM_IA_02_Comixology 7
PM_IA_02_Comixology 11PM_IA_02_Comixology 14

There’s lots more information about Parallel Man HERE.

You can order Parallel Man: Invasion America in digital form from Comixology.

Because FutureDude Entertainment is a new, small publisher, there is absolutely no guarantee that your local comics shop will stock it unless YOU ask them to. That’s right – you calling up or walking into your local comics shop and asking them to order a comic from a small publisher can significantly help make or break the distribution of the entire series. Parallel Man: Invasion America is no different! So, please, help get Parallel Man out there by pre-ordering it today!

Writer: Jeffrey Morris, Fredrick Haugen
Pencils & Inks: Christopher Jones
Colors: Zac Atkinson
Cover: Dylan Hansen
Letters: Cortland Bechtell, Jordain Cheng-Kinnander
Editor: Jeffrey Morris, Kimberly Morris
Publisher: FutureDude
Pages of story: 24
Cover Price: $3.99


Parallel Man #2 Cover Art by Dylan Hansen. Layout by Christopher Jones.

Parallel Man #2 Cover Art by Dylan Hansen. Layout by Christopher Jones.

New York Comic Con 2014!

NYCC MAP 2014 v2

This is my third year at New York Comic Con and I can’t tell you how much it’s become one of my very favorite conventions. I love the (huge) Artists Alley feeling like its own separate comic con, I have nothing but praise for how well ReedPOP treats creators, the cosplay is simply amazing, and it is SO FUN to see East Cost fans!

I am a Featured Guest at New York Comic Con this year and I will be at Artist Alley Booth C18 all 4 days! Click here to add me to your show planner. The New York Comic Con show planner is really nifty, by the way.

Okay, this is going to be a long post because NYCC is really the con where I pull out all the stops! Ready? Okay, here we go….

mr J and Chris

This year I will have a very talented friend and cosplay personality at my booth helping out, signing autographs and taking photos, so make sure you stop by to say hello to Mr. J! He may even have something special for kids – what a clown! Here are a few photos:

Mr. J with Cards Mr. J takes a bow Mr. J Glad to meet ya!
(Photo credits:  Garret Born, Bryan Humphrey, Garret Born)

I have a new FREE convention exclusive mini-print for Facebook and Twitter followers!

Fastest Man Alive FREE MINI PRINT v2

Just show me that you follow me on twitter or like my facebook page to claim yours! And I’ll still have plenty of the ever popular Disco Nightwing mini-prints (& Batman buttons) free for followers if you don’t have that one yet… Remember, the only way to get one of these is to find me at a convention!

Get a free Disco Nightwing mini-print at Cincinnati Comic Expo!

Young Justice Fans! On Saturday at 8:20pm EST (after Artists Alley closes) we will have a Young Justice cosplay & fan meet-up! So come join me and fellow fans for a casual meet-up of cosplayers and fans of Young Justice at New York Comic Con! We may not have a panel at NYCC, but Young Justice fandom is alive and well, so try to make it!

NYCC 2014 YJ Meet Up Map


I will be doing commission sketches during New York Comic Con, but I expect my sketch list to fill up FAST, so if you’re hoping to get a sketch from me, try to stop by my Artist Alley table as early as possible.

All of my convention sketches are black ink on 9×12″ bristol. I will also draw on sketch covers and in sketchbooks by request. Payment due when you pick up the completed sketch.

New York Comic Con 2014 Sketch Rates 

Full Figure: $100 for the first character + $60 for each additional character

Head Sketch (shoulders & up): $60

NYCC 2013 Dickbabs 475293_512571245447142_898319650_o NYCC 2012 Miss Martian CCE 2013 Joker
If you would like to send me your NYCC sketch request ahead of time, putting you first on my list, please email it to chris@christopherjonesart.com.

Parallel Man: Invasion America #1 Cover

A very, very limited number of Parallel Man #1 will be available for purchase at $4 each. Once they’re gone, they’re gone! I will have FREE download codes for the digital comic available to anyone with a Press, Pro or Exhibitor badge. Just ask!

I will also have FREE Parallel Man posters available to everyone while supplies last, which I am more than happy to sign for you.


By the way, did you see the trailer for the Parallel Man: Infinite Pursuit animation? It is a pilot for an animated series, and follows the story of the comic. Check it out:

I will also have all of my prints available during New York Comic Con, at the usual reduced convention prices:

11×17″ Color Prints: $20 each or 3 for $50

8.5″x11″ Black & White Prints:  $5 each

Here is an overview of my prints for those new to my blog, with the new ones at the top!

 Spitfire - Framed prev (1) discowing  for the fans print

Earths Mightiest Heroes - Framed prev32346_436201606417440_836745009_nYoung Justice - Framed prevThe Family Crock - Framed prev
DOOM! - Framed color prev424725_436195833084684_2135305195_n407873_308524419185160_2120253670_n405506_308524442518491_1539154953_n
398473_308524335851835_66397755_n yjminiprint 1419824_10151676850251372_1761329981_n 190263_436197543084513_1330743290_n
 402586_308524479185154_2005415147_n Bill-Ted-Daleks-Restoration-Framed-prev 602106_489660681071532_1188768855_n 419749_322498741121061_1633382668_n


Also, because con food is expensive and I know a lot of my fans are at the con on a budget, I’ll have granola bars available at my table for anyone who asks for one. That’s right – free, healthy snacks! And definitely NOT engineered by the Reach or Lexcorp, if you were concerned. (While supplies last.)

Lastly, just to cover a few other questions I keep getting on twitter:

  • Autographs are always free and I’ll sign anything you bring me. (Check out my guide to asking for signatures and drawings at conventions!)
  • I do not charge for photos and I am happy to take a photo with anyone who asks!
  • I’m happy to do Interviews any day but Sunday, but the earlier you can drop by, the better!
  • I will draw any cannon character ship kissing if asked. I will draw any two characters together doing non-romantic/sexual things, regardless of whether it’s cannon or not.

I think that about wraps up my New York Comic Con post. Whew! I really am looking forward to meeting lots of fans over the four days of the con! Please, come say Hello! Artist Alley table C18! See you there!