As I’ve mentioned before I’ll be at MCBA Fallcon this Saturday. I just got my new banner which will be making it’s debut there, so if you are able to attend, look for it and look for me, stop by and say hello!
It’s always strange seeing my artwork blown up larger than the size at which it was drawn. Usually artwork is drawn larger than the size it’s meant to be seen. Of course, stuff blown up to banner size is meant to be seen from farther away, so it all balances out, but it’s still strange holding something in your hands with a face on it that was drawn at the size of a postage stamp that’s now several inches across.
Of course, this is nothing compared to the Connie banner I created for CONvergence which was 40 feet across!

New Banner
Just one week to go until MCBA Fallcon, Saturday, October 15 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. MCBA is the Minnesota Comic Book Association and I’ve been a regular at their semi-annual convention for years.
If you’re in the Minnesota area, stop by and say hello! I’ll be sitting by my new banner (seen here), and I’ll be talking to fans, doing commission sketches, and selling comics and art.
Tickets available at the door for $8.00. $1.00 off with a canned food shelf donation. Kids 9 and under get in free.

Jones Illustration Banner
Saturday, October 15 I will be at MCBA Fallcon at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. MCBA is the Minnesota Comic Book Association and I’ve been a regular at their semi-annual convention for years. I love the volunteers who run this show and it’s really a great time, so if you’re in the Minnesota area, stop by and say hello! I’ll be talking to fans, doing commission sketches, and selling comics and art. You can even wish me a day-late Happy Birthday if you see me there!
Tickets available at the door for $8.00. $1.00 off with a canned food shelf donation. Kids 9 and under get in free. (Seriously, bring a kid. It could change their life!)

It’s great to be working on a series where getting a new script feels like getting a present to open on on Christmas morning. I suppose if it were a Marvel title it would feel like X-mas morning…

Young Justice #11
I feel like a real blogger now.
Sniff, sniff.
I’d like to thank the academy…

Batman Raspberry
OK, I realize 500 is nothing, but hey, this blogging thing doesn’t come naturally to me. Sure, I can TALK your ear off, but I’m not usually as chatty with my typing. All right, I promise to chill out until I hit 5,000.