I’m excited to be returning to C2E2 for the first time in a few years. Chicago is a favorite town of mine and I always have a great time at C2E2. This will be my first time attending since relocating to the Los Angeles area, so it’s going to be a bit of an adjustment to be flying to Chicago instead of road-tripping from Minneapolis!
I will be at the convention all three days (April 26-28) at Artist Alley table H-17 selling prints and comics featuring my art, and generally chatting with fans who want to stop by and say hello. As always, autographs are free. I’ll also be taking a VERY LIMITED number of request for original sketch commissions, so if you’re interested, stop by EARLY and reserve your space on the list.
More details below:
C2E2 will be held in the South Building at McCormick Place located at 2301 S. Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, Illinois. Artist Alley will be in the same section of the show floor as last year, in the back right section of the South Hall.
Artist Alley Hours are:
Friday, April 26: 10:00 AM — 7:00 PM
Saturday, April 27: 10:00 AM — 7:00 PM
Sunday, April 28: 10:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Art Prints
My prints are 11″x17″ on cardstock paper. They are $20 each (already a savings over what they cost when ordered from my Etsy store), but I can offer a discount of 3 for $50. I’ll have a selection of Young Justice and Doctor Who prints available, plus Justice League and Harley Quinn prints. And of course, I’m not coming to Chicago without bringing my Svengoolie portrait, as seen on the set of the Svengoolie TV show!

In addition to many of the old favorites I’ll have available again this year, I have SIX new Young Justice prints being offered at a convention for the first time at C2E2 2024!

If you can’t make it to C2E2, all my prints are also available from my Etsy store.
I have very few slots available for commissions left, so if you’re interested I’d suggest seeking me out EARLY. If I’m drawing on my own paper I’ve got 9″x12″ bristol, but I will also draw in sketchbooks or on sketch covers if you bring them to me. Head-and-shoulders sketches are $100 and a full figure is $200.

I hope to see you there!
Tags: C2E2, Chicago, Doctor Who, Harley Quinn, Justice League, Prints, sketches, Svengoolie, Young Justice
Conventions, Doctor Who, Harley Quinn, Misc Artwork, Young Justice | Christopher Jones |
April 22, 2024 1:37 am |
Comments (38)

I’m delighted to be returning to Emerald City Comic Con, February 29—March 3, 2024. I’ll be set up at Artist Alley table B-11 selling prints and comics featuring my art, and generally chatting with fans who want to stop by and say hello. As always, autographs are free. I’ll also be taking a VERY LIMITED number of request for original sketch commissions, so if you’re interested, stop by EARLY and reserve your space on the list.
More details below:

Emerald City ComiCon is being held at the Seattle Convention Center, with Artist Alley located on the 2nd Floor of the Summit building.
Artist Alley Hours are:
Thursday: 10:00am—7:00pm
Friday: 10:00am—7:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am—7:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am—5:00pm
My prints are 11″x17″ on cardstock paper. They are $20 each (already a savings over what they cost when ordered from my Etsy store), but I can offer a discount of 3 for $50. I’ll have a selection of Young Justice and Doctor Who prints available, plus Justice League and Harley Quinn prints.

I still have copies available of Once Upon a Time Lord, the recent Doctor Who graphic novel by Marvel writer Dan Slott, with artwork by myself, Matthew Dow Smith and Mike Collins, and Heralds of Destruction, the Third Doctor mini-series I drew with a script by Paul Cornell. Those books are $20 each, and can be bundled with prints for that 3 for $50 discount.

I’m doing commission sketches for the first time in a while at the convention this year. If I’m drawing on my own paper I’ve got 9″x12″ bristol, but I will also draw in sketchbooks or on sketch covers if you bring them to me. Head-and-shoulders sketches are $100 and a full figure is $200.

I hope to see you there!
Tags: Artist Alley, Doctor Who, Emerald City Comic Con, Harley Quinn, Seattle, Young Justice
Conventions, Doctor Who, Harley Quinn, Uncategorized, Young Justice | Christopher Jones |
February 25, 2024 8:52 pm |
Comments (36)

I’ve done so many print designs that I can’t bring them all with me to conventions. If you’re coming to see me at New York Comic Con 2023 (ArtistsAlley table A-14) I’ll be selling 11×17 color prints for $20 or 3 for $50 – but I’ll have a limited selection. I want to bring a variety of Young Justice prints, Doctor Who prints, my new Harley Quinn print, plus favorites like Justice League and Svengoolie. But that quickly adds up to more than I can haul with me on my cross-country trek from Los Angeles to New York. So in my attempt to streamline my convention operations, I’ll going to be limited the number selection of prints I’ll be bringing with me, which means I might just leave your favorite design behind. UNLESS – you reserve your print in advance!
Please check out www.etsy.com/shop/ChrisJonesArt to see the full selection of prints I have available. You can order them directly from there, but if you’re coming to NYCC 2023 and want to buy it from in person at the lower convention rate, you can reserve any print from my archive I’ll bring a copy to NYCC and hold it for you!
Message me at chris@christopherjonesart.com. Let me know:
1) What print(s) you’d like to reserve for NYCC
2) Your name
3) and (if possible) What day you expect to stop by Artist Alley Table A-14 and pick it up.
I’ll have your reserved print(s) waiting for you at my table for you to purchase at my convention rates!
This is a first-time experiment I’m trying as a way to deal with the size of my selection of prints becoming a little unmanageable, but I don’t want to disappoint fans who come to my table looking for prints they’ve seen in past years or online. We’ll see how it goes!
Tags: Art Prints, Comic Art, Comic Book Art, conventions, Doctor Who, Harley Quinn, NYCC, NYCC2023, Prints, Young Justice
Conventions, Doctor Who, Harley Quinn, Misc Artwork, Young Justice | Christopher Jones |
September 28, 2023 7:39 pm |
Comments (4)
As New York Comic Con approaches, it occurred to me what I wanted to go in with *at least* one new print. And while I had a number of Young Justice prints to offer, I had nothing connected to my work on the Harley Quinn animated series, which has been my day job for more than two years now.
Years ago when I was drawing The Batman Strikes (tie-in comics for the 2004 The Batman animated series) one of my favorite covers I did on that title happened to feature Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, so I decided to remake that cover in the style of the current Harley Quinn animated series and make that my newest 11″x17″ color print. After NYCC this will be added to the prints available in my Etsy store, but it will make its debut at this year’s New York Comic Con. Like my other prints it will be available at my convention rate of $20, or 3 prints for $50.

Here’s the original Batman Strikes cover for reference.

Find me at table A-14 in the NYCC 2023 Artist Alley for this print and many other favorites. Read more about my presence at NYCC 2023 here.

I am delighted to be returning again this year to New York Comic Con, October 12-15 at the Javits Center in the heart of Manhattan. This year, NYCC Artist Alley will be returning to Hall 1B on the 1st Floor of the building, and I’ll at Artist Alley table B-10 all four days. Artist Alley hours are as follows:
Thursday 10am – 8pm
Friday 10am – 8pm
Saturday 10am – 8pm
Sunday 10am – 5pm
And in case you don’t read all the way to the end of this long post, remember: I love chatting with fans, and autographs and photos are always free!
Books for Sale
At my Artist Alley table I’ll be selling and signing (while supplies last) of Young Justice: Targets, collecting of issues 1-6 comic series that follows the events of the most recent season of the animated TV series Young Jusitice Phantoms. I’ll also have copies of my Doctor Who mini-series, The Third Doctor: Heralds of Destruction. Stop by early before they’re gone.

Art Prints
I’ll have my usual selection of prints for sale, including a couple of brand new ones making their debut appearance at NYCC 2023. Check back as the convention gets closer for previews. I’ll also have other favorites from Young Justice, Doctor Who and other series. All my prints are all available from my Etsy store., where 11″x17″ prints go for $30, but they’re only $20 at NYCC, and on top of that I’m be offering a 3-for-$50 deal.

Original Comic Art for Sale
I’ll have a portfolio full for of original art for sale, from Comic Book Page Art for to sketches and smaller drawings. Stop by to browse or purchase. Individual pieces priced as marked.

And finally…
Stop by to show me you follow me on ANY of my Social Media platforms and get a free 4″x6″ mini-print! This year’s design features a promo image from Young Justice Phantoms!

See you at NYCC!!!