Sure, I just did an entry this morning, but if I don’t double up on some of these, I’m never going to catch up with the current year before CONvergence 2012 starts on July 5-8.
Below is the badge art for our #CVG2006 Guests of Honor.
 #CVG2006 - Bridget Landry |  #CVG2006 - David Weber |  #CVG2006 - Eric Flint |
Bridget Landry is a genuine Rocket Scientist, working for the Jet Propultion Laboratory, having done things such as programming flight paths for the Cassini Missions.
David Weber is author of the Honor Harrington novels. I usually try to avoid using the CONvergnce mascot Connie on the badges for first-time guests, but David was brought to the convention by his friend and returning Guest of Honor Eric Flint, so I hoped it would be OK.
In addition to being an author, Eric Flint had just taken charge of the Free Library for Baen Books.
 #CVG2006 - Greg Weisman |  #CVG2006 - Miles Teves |  #CVG2006 - Kenneth Hite |
Greg Weisman was one of the driving creative forces behind
Disney’s Gargoyles.Artist Miles Teves did design work for the film Legend, including Tim Curry’s demon character.
When not writing games and gaming-related articles, Kenneth Hite is NOT a member of the Illuminati. He is NOT.
 #CVG2006 - Robert O'Reilly |  #CVG2006 - J.G. Hertzler |
J.G. Hertzler had just completed some Shakespearean work on the stage, but is best known to Sci-Fi fans as General Martok from
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.Robert O’Reilly had just completed a directing stint, but is best known as Chancellor Gowron from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
If you’re coming to #CVG2012 be sure to look me up! I’ll be doing two signings and on a bunch of panels.
Tags: #CVG2006, #CVG2012, Badge Art, Bridget Landry, CONvergence, David Weber, Eric Flint, GoH, Greg Weisman, Guest of Honor, J.G.Hertzler, Kenneth Hite, Miles Teves, Robert O'Reilly
Conventions | Christopher Jones |
June 27, 2012 12:47 pm |
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I’m counting down to CONvergence 2012 on July 5-8 this year, and sharing some highlights from past year’s badge art that I’ve done for the convention.
The 2006 theme was Boldly Go – a celebration of not just Star Trek (which was celebrating it’s 40th Anniversary) but all things Space Exploration.
 #CVG2006 - 5 and Under Badge |  #CVG2006 - Teen Badge |  #CVG2006 Adult Badge |
We again had
Registration Badges for three different age ranges of attendees, and this year I went with photo montages of spaceships. These looked great on screen, but in practice I thought these printed a little too dark, and were harder to see than I would have liked, especially in the varying lighting conditions around the convention and under the protective layer of lamination. I thought the previous year’s more brightly-colored badges worked better, so I resolved not to go this dark again.
 #CVG2006 - Exec on Duty |  #CVG2006 - ConCom Badge |  #CVG2006 - Board of Directors |
Three more sets of badges.
Exec of Duty is the term for the highest authority at the convention, a position held by members of the organization’s Board of Directors on rotating shifts.
Members of the Convention Committee got Cylons on their badges that year. You can see where I indicated the placement of the text that would indicate the ConCom member’s name and position title.
In a touch of self-deprecating humor, I gave my fellow members of the Board of Directors Borg badges that year. It went well with our ongoing Triumvirate of Seven running joke, where the seven of us had numbered designations of 1 through 7… of 3.
 #CVG2006 - Service Animal Badge |  #CVG2006 - Performer Badge |  #CVG2006 - Finance on Duty |
We have badges for
Service Animals at the convention, indicating that an animal has been checked in by our Operations Department as a working animal assisting a convention member. That’s our mascot Connie’s robotic dog
Sparky on the badge.
Our Performer badges that year featured a then-timely iPod joke.
And the Finance on Duty badge featured the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. The visible rules are all taken from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, except for #34 which is a mantra of the CONvergence budgeting process.
If you’re coming to #CVG2012 be sure to look me up! I’ll be doing two signings and on a bunch of panels.
I’m counting down to CONvergence 2012 on July 5-8 this year, and sharing some highlights from past year’s badge art that I’ve done for the convention.
In addition to the Guest of Honor badges like those I posted yesterday, I’ve also done most of the registration badges over the years. These are the badges that actually get you past our badging stations and give you access to Programming, ConSuite, and the other amenities of the convention.
 #CVG2005 – 5 & Under Badge |  #CVG2005 – Teen Badge |  #CVG2005 – Adult Badge |
We have different badges for different age ranges of attendees, and I try to give each badge it’s own distinctive
color scheme, so they are distinguishable at a glance even from a distance. I also need to allow room in the design for individual badge names and numbers to be superimposed.

#CVG2005 – ConCom Badge
The 2005 theme was Superheroes – which you can see by all the badges here. This badge was designated members of the Convention Committee, and was individualized with each ConCom member’s name and title.

#CVG2005 – Finance on Duty
Our Finance people handle the money that flows in and out of the convention over the weekend, and they get their own badges, too. Bruce Wayne seemed like an appropriate art choice for the year’s theme.

#CVG2005 – Performer
Some people who aren’t paid members of the convention still need access for a few hours, like musicians and other performers appearing at the con. This is what they got for badge art in 2005.
If you’re coming to #CVG2012 be sure to look me up! I’ll be doing two signings and on a bunch of panels.
It’s the time of year where in addition to doing my usual day-job art chores, I’m getting ready for CONvergence, the Sci-Fi convention I helped start back in 1999 and still help to run. In addition to my other responsibilities I do a lot of artwork for the convention, including custom badge art for each individual Guest of Honor. As we count down to CONvergence 2012 on July 5-8 this year, I thought I’d share some highlights from past Guest of Honor badges. I’ll share this year’s badges after the convention – the Guests of Honor they are for get to see them first!

2003 GoH - John Kovalic
At the time this was done, John Kovalic had been at the convention before and was a personal friend, making it much easier to figure out what to do for his badge art. John’s badge is done in the style of his Chez Geek cards, and features characters from his Dork Tower comic at CONvergence.

2003 GoH - Andrew Probert
Andrew Probert is a production designer whose credits include the Enterprise-D for Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the Airwolf helicopter from the TV series of that name. Those two facts plus a recurring cliche from the Airwolf series provided the joke for this badge.

2003 GoH - Michael Sheard
Michael Sheard was also making a return appearance at CONvergence this year. The British character actor had appeared several times on Doctor Who over the years, including the story that introduced the Doctor’s robotic dog K-9. Michael famously had a love-hate relationship with that “tin dog,” given the remote-control prop’s never-ending malfunctioning on the set.
More badge art coming tomorrow!
If you’re coming to #CVG2012 be sure to look me up! I’ll be doing two signings and on a bunch of panels.