Sonic Envy is Canon in Day of the Doctor?

Sonic-Envy-reframed-prevThis art is available on Etsy

When I first drew this piece back in 2010, I had no idea it would prove to be so prophetic. It was basically just expressing my reaction to the toy version of the 11th Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver (which I had dutifully collected.) Somehow the images I’d seen online and in the show didn’t fully convey how much larger it was than the previous model, and the pop-out claw that had been added just seemed to push it over the top.

Little did I imagine than that 3 years later the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special would be focused primarily on pairing these two Doctors, and that there would be a moment where there screwdrivers come out and… well…. from what I understand they make pretty much this joke. We’ll see how close they come when I see the actual episode with everyone else this Saturday, November 23rd!

You can choose to believe that.
Or you can accept the truth
Photo on 2013-11-20 at 23.02 #3 copy

Christopher Jones at Hal-Con 2013!

On Nov 8-10 I will be appearing as a comics guest at Hal-Con in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It will be both my first convention outside of the USA and my first time ever in Canada! I am very, VERY excited! I’m also going to be VERY busy! This post is kind of an omnibus for everything Christopher Jones at Hal-Con 2013. Can’t wait to meet lots of awesome Canadian fans!

HAL-CON LogoJump to:


Hal-Con Commission Sketches


All sketches are inked, black and white line art on 9×12″ bristol.

Character sketches: $80/character +$40 each additional character.

Headshots: $50

Email me ASAP to request a sketch!

Here are some examples of commission sketches from previous conventions:

135894_438156209555313_564819340_o277203_438146876222913_1703459975_osketch g134743_437362266301374_571665608_o
 tumblr_muzaqs8DsB1qer8czo1_1280 sketch a sketch dCCE13 Sketch - Bowties are Cool


Hal-Con Panel & Event Schedule

I am participating in the following panels and events during Hal-Con 2013!

 Friday, Nov 8

1:45pm-2:00pm Comics Process PanelFluffy’s Den (Workshop Room 1)

6:30pm-7:30pm The Ethics of Doctor WhoThe Comic Room (Workshop Room 4)

7:30pm-8:30pm Young Justice Meet-UpFluffy’s Den (Workshop Room 1)

9:30pm-????? Comic Book Drink’n’Draw 2013 (The Foggy Goggle)

Saturday, Nov 9

1:00pm-2:00pm Showcase on Christopher JonesLooking Glass Room (Workshop Room 2/3)

3:30pm-4:15pm Con Runners PanelThe Comic Room (Workshop Room 4)

4:30pm-5:30pm For the Love of ComicsThe Comic Room (Workshop Room 4)

7:00pm-10:00pm Stargazer SoireeSummit Suite (8th Floor)

Sunday, Nov 10

1:15pm-2:00pm All Ages ComicsThe Comic Room (Workshop Room 4)

3:15pm-4:00pm Batman 1966Looking Glass Room (Workshop Room 2/3)


Hal-Con Signing Schedule

Signatures & photos are always FREE and I will happily sign anything you bring me.

I will have ALL of my prints with me for sale at the listed signing times.

Get a FREE convention exclusive Disco Nightwing Mini-Print just for coming to one of my signings!


Friday, Nov 8

3:30pm-5:00pm Signing at Strange Adventures – First Floor Vendors Room (Booth B8)

5:15pm-6:15pm Signing in Autograph Area – Grand Hall (Comic Table 1)

Saturday, Nov 9

10:00am-12:45pm Signing in Autograph AreaGrand Hall (Comic Table 1)

5:45pm-6:45pm Signing at Strange Adventures – First Floor Vendors Room (Booth B8)

Sunday, Nov 10

10:00am-1:00pm Signing in Autograph AreaGrand Hall (Comic Table 1)

4:15pm-5:45pm Signing at Strange Adventures – First Floor Vendors Room (Booth B8)


Buy my Comics at Hal-Con

I am not planning to personally have any of my comics for sale at Hal-Con, but I’m told there will be a selection of Young Justice and Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes trade paperbacks available for purchase at the Strange Adventures booth (First Floor Vendors Room Booth B8). 

strange adventures

I will also be signing at the Strange Adventures booth throughout the weekend.

Check my Signing Schedule for times!



Prints available at Hal-Con

11×17″ Color Prints – $20 

8.5×11″ Black & White prints – $5

These prints will be available for purchase AT ALL TIMES at the official Hal-Con Merchandise table as well as during my signings:

Young-Justice-Framed-prevEarths Mightiest Heroes - Framed prev32346_436201606417440_836745009_n

All the prints available at the Merchandise Table will be pre-signed. If you would like your print otherwise personalized, after your purchase just find me during one of my signings or elsewhere during the convention weekend!

 These prints will be available for purchase ONLY during my signings:

407873_308524419185160_2120253670_n424725_436195833084684_2135305195_nDOOM! - Framed color prevThe Family Crock - Framed prev
Batman 66 - Batmantwo faceyjminiprint190263_436197543084513_1330743290_nTroughton - Cropped prev
 Squad Cover #23 inks Squad Cover #25 inks Squad Cover #26 inks MSHS Cover #18 inks prev Squad Cover #21 inks
 MSHS Cover #16 inks prev MSHS Cover #17 inks prev MSHS Cover #15 Inks prev MSHS Cover #6 inks prev MSH Cover #19 inks
 MSHS_Cover__4_inks_prev MSHS_Cover__3_inks_prev MSH_Cover__20_inks_flat Squad__24_cover_inks


Charity Auction Nelson Sketch

I am donating this original Nelson sketch to the 2013 Hal-Con Charity Auction. Having myself created robot convention mascots for CONvergence, it just seemed like the thing to do to draw Nelson for Hal-Con. What better reason than the charity auction?

Nelson and INelson - Halcon 2013


Hal-Con 2013 Young Justice Meet-Up


Greg Weisman and I are now holding a Young Justice Meet-up at every convention he or I attend! We know that Young Justice fandom is alive and well and we want you guys to know we appreciate you! So, come hang out, ask questions, take pictures, and meet other Young Justice fans! SYMBIOSI

The Hal-Con 2013 Young Justice Meet-up will be Friday Nov 8 at 7:30pm in Workshop Room 1 (Fluffy’s Den).

Please help spread the word about this! Add it to your Hal-Con schedule and invite your friends to the Facebook event!


Comic Book Drink ‘n’ Draw 2013

DrinknDraw GROUP format

On Friday Nov 8 starting at 9:30pm, I’ll be joining the fine folks from Where Monsters Dwell for a special after-hours event!

It’s the COMIC BOOK DRINK ‘N’ DRAW 2013! Come do a little drawing or just hang out and have a drink with many of the Comics Pros from Hal-Con 2013!

Venue:The Foggy Goggle
1667 Argyle St, Halifax NS Canada, B3J 2B5

Confirmed artists in attendance include Christopher Jones, Ty Templeton, Nick Bradshaw, Tom Fowler, Danica Brine, Lar DeSouza, Joel Duggan, Peter Chiykowski, Troy Little & Kelly Tindall!

Comics fans in Halifax will NOT want to miss this!

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na I’m drawing Batman ’66!

I am delighted to formally announce that my next project is a story for DC Comics’ Batman ’66 – part of their Digital First tier of books and based on the classic 1960s Batman TV series staring Adam West. Here’s the solicitation for the print version:


Cover for Batman ’66 #7 by Mike Allred

BATMAN ‘66 #7
On sale JANUARY 22 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US • RATED E • DIGITAL FIRST
Horrors! Bruce Wayne is trying to scam a jewelry store and put the blame on poor Aunt Harriet? Or could it actually be the work of that mysterious master of disguises, False Face? Then, find out how crime really pays when the Clown Prince of Crime tries to downsize his mob in “The Joker’s Layoff Riot.”

I’m doing the False Face story in the issue, written by Jeff Parker. I can’t share any artwork from it yet, but I *can* show you the Batman art I did to be approved to work on the comic! This is a real treat for me to work on as I’m a HUGE fan of the 60’s Batman series, and the False Face episode is among my favorites. In fact, there’s also a cameo by my *absolute favorite* villain from the show, but you’ll have to pick the book up when it comes out to learn who that is!


Batman 66 - Batman

You can look for print versions at your local comic shop when they come out, or look for it in Digital Form on Comixology where you can currently find past issues of the series. The book is presented in DC Comics’ DC2 (pronounced “DC Squared”) format, where each tap of the screen actively advances the next element of the story, whether it’s the next panel or individual art elements on the page. It’s been an interesting challenge creating artwork for that format, but I think it creates a reason to seek out the digital version of the story rather than waiting for it to be collected in a print format later!

I’m having the best time working on this, and I think it shows in the pages. I can’t wait for the story can come out so you can see for yourself!

New York Comic Con!

FINALLY, here, at the 11th hour: my New York Comic Con post! I’m sitting in a hotel in New York in the wee hours of the morning as I type this.  I’ve been spending every waking moment on a couple projects I can’t announce yet, so I simply hadn’t had time to do this post. But better late than never, right?

nycc map

This year I am a Featured Guest at New York Comic Con and I will be at Artist Alley Booth D9 all 4 days! Click here to add me to your show planner. The New York Comic Con show planner is really nifty, by the way.

I’m really excited to meet lots of east coast fans this weekend, as well as many fellow creators! So much of the comics industry is working remotely, and now socializing remotely via Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. A large national-scale comics show like New York Comic Con offers a unique opportunity to see colleagues and industry friends face-to-face. Some fellow pros I’m looking forward to saying hello to include Josh Elder, Dean Trippe, Rachel Deering, Marguerite Bennett, Greg Pak, Josh AdamsNeil KleidSean Von Gorman, Amy ChuJim Chadwick, Tom Brennan and probably more that my sleep deprived brain is not recalling right now! Oh, also my friend Harry Knowles is here for his first NYCC this year. If he doesn’t drop by my table, he’ll never hear the end of it. Just saying, Harry.

I’m also really excited to see all the amazing cosplays that are a fixture at comic conventions of this scale. As usual, I’ll be taking photos of any cosplayer who is willing to pose, and posting them in real time on my Facebook page. That is, assuming I can get a phone signal this year! Cross your fingers for me!

I’ve got several promotions going on for New York Comic Con. First, show me that you follow me on twitter or like my facebook page, and you will get your choice of a free convention exclusive signed Disco Nightwing mini-print or a Batman button! I brought as many of these as I could fit into my luggage, so hopefully I won’t run out but dropping by to get yours earlier rather than later may not be a bad idea!


At big comics conventions, I like to do something a little extra for fans who follow my work. Because con food is expensive and I know a lot of my fans are here on a budget, I’ll have granola bars available at my table for those who know how to ask for them. That’s right – free, healthy snacks! And definitely NOT engineered by the Reach or Lexcorp to pacify the population. (While supplies last.)

reach bars 2 copy

On Saturday at 7:30pm EST I will be holding a Young Justice cosplay & fan meet-up! So come join me and fellow fans for a casual meet-up of cosplayers and fans of Young Justice at New York Comic Con! Greg Weisman and I are now holding these at every convention he or I attend! We may not have a panel at NYCC, but Young Justice fandom is alive and well and we want you guys to know we appreciate you!

yj nycc meetup

So, come hang out, ask questions, take pictures, and meet other Young Justice fans! Tell your friends! If you’re on Facebook, join the Facebook event! Oh, and you can find photos from past meet-ups hereSYMBIOSI


I will be doing commission sketches during New York Comic Con, but I expect my sketch list to fill up FAST, so if you’re hoping to get a sketch from me, try to stop by my Artist Alley booth as early as possible. Here are my New York Comic Con Sketch Rates:

$80 per Character

+$40 each additional Character

$50 Head Sketches

I will also have all of my prints available during New York Comic Con, at the usual reduced convention price of $20 each or 3 for $50 for 11″x17″ color prints and $5 each for 8.5″x11″ black and white prints. Something for everyone! Here is an overview of my prints for those new to my blog:

Earths Mightiest Heroes - Framed prev32346_436201606417440_836745009_nYoung Justice - Framed prevThe Family Crock - Framed prev
DOOM! - Framed color prev424725_436195833084684_2135305195_n407873_308524419185160_2120253670_n405506_308524442518491_1539154953_n
398473_308524335851835_66397755_n yjminiprint Squad_Cover__26_inks 190263_436197543084513_1330743290_n
 402586_308524479185154_2005415147_n Bill-Ted-Daleks-Restoration-Framed-prev 602106_489660681071532_1188768855_n 419749_322498741121061_1633382668_n

And just to cover a few other questions I keep getting on twitter:

  • Autographs are always free and I’ll sign anything you bring me. (Check out my guide to asking for signatures and drawings at conventions!)
  • I’m happy to do Interviews any day but Sunday, but the earlier you can drop by, the better!
  • I have a very limited supply of Young Justice TPB‘s. Come by early if you were wanting one. Sorry, no comic books with me this year.
  • I still don’t have any news on Young Justice. But you should pre-order the video game!

I think that about wraps up my New York Comic Con blog post. Whew! I really am looking forward to meeting lots of fans over the next four days! Please, come say Hello! Artist Alley booth D9! See you there!

Come see me at MCBA Fallcon October 5 2013!

MCBA Fallcon 2013 Red Header

October 5 2013 I’ll be at MCBA Fallcon, open from 10am to 5pm at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds! I’ll be talking to fans, signing autographs, doing commission sketches and selling art prints, so stop by and say hello!

Tickets are available at the door ($8 for adults, kids 9 & Under FREE). Save $1 off admission with a Canned Food Shelf donation. Free MCBA Grab Bags for the first 500 attendees. Costumes encouraged.


This year Mark Waid will be joining the creators appearing at MCBA Fallcon, so you won’t want to miss it!

Disco Wing Mini-Print Ad

I’ll have Young Justice trade paperbacks and Art Prints for sale. And I’ll have my usual convention exclusives like the ever-popular Disco Wing mini-print for fans who “like” my Facebook Page or follow me on Twitter!

Remember, at conventions I’ll have all the prints available at my Etsy Store, but at the reduced price of $20 for an 11×17 color print, plus NO SHIPPING FEE!

Young Justice - Framed prevEarths Mightiest Heroes - Framed prev

Sonic EnvyTARDIS on Alien World - Framed Print prevIntellect and RomanceMost HeinousI Am The Master - Framed prev

Totter's Lane - Framed Print prevCome on Ace - Framed Print prev

The PunisherThe Green Hornet Strikes Again!Trinity

Herbert West: Re-AnimatorDOOM! - Framed color prev
 The MCBA Conventions are among my very favorite of the year, and they’re run by the best volunteers around. I hope to see you there!
