CONvergence 2014 Badge Art

Each year, CONvergence commissions volunteer art for its Membership Badges that feature our CONvergence mascot, Connie, and references that year’s convention theme. We have different badge art for each of the four different age categories we produce badges for, and inevitably I hear people wishing they’d gotten the artwork on a different age group’s badge.

When I produce the badge art (which almost always, but not always the case), I try to keep the colors bright with a different color scheme for each design so that the small membership badges are as easily identifiable as possible for our volunteer badgers and staff under the various lighting conditions around the convention.

Without further adieu, here were the CONvergence 2014: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Membership Badge Designs!

Adult Badge: Connie and her slightly evil sister Connie Mark 2 as Detective Elisa Masa and Demona from Gargoyles, flanking Goliath.

CVG 2014 Adult Badge RGB
Ages 13-17 Badge: Connie and Mark 2 again as Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural, with their creator Professor Max as Bobby.

CVG 2014 Ages 13-17 Badge
Ages 6-12 Badge: Connie as Kiki from Kiki’s Delivery Service.

CVG 2014 Ages 6-12 Badge
5 & Under Badge: Connie riding Falcor from The Neverending Story.

CVG 2014 5 & Under Badge

CONvergence also produces custom badge art for each of its Guests of Honor. It was no different for our 2014 Guests! Check out my CONvergence 2014 Guest of Honor badge art post!

If you’re interested in checking out more badge art from previous years, I’ve got most of it posted on my blog under the “Badge Art” tag – click here to check it out!

CONvergence is Imminent!

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CONvergence is Imminent! Per usual, I’m finishing up last minute things before heading to the hotel tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to hanging out with Greg Weisman and talking Gargoyles and Young Justice all weekend.

I’m also on two shipping panels on Saturday night. I blame Tumblr for that. You can’t see it, but I’m right now comically shaking my fist in the direction I presume Tumblr to be. Yeah, Tumblr, that will teach you.

Anyway, if you see me around the con, ask me for one of my cool Time Lord Batman Ribbons.



I’ll post my CONvergence schedule below with links to the online schedule so it’s easy to join my events. In addition to my signings, I will have a few of each of my art prints available in the CONvergence art show.


My CONvergence 2014 Schedule:



2:00pm – 3:00pm Fan Art and Social Media  (Atrium 2)

Discuss how the latest social media platforms and visual blogging sites (such as Tumblr and Pinterest) are enabling more exposure for artists–fan and otherwise. Panelists: Shawn van Briesen, Jennifer Lundstrom, Hal Bichel, Fes Works, Christopher Jones

3:30pm – 4:30pm Parallel Man (Plaza 1)

FREE POSTERS at the panel!!


Take a look at the new sci-fi adventure coming to you later this year as a comic, a computer game, and in development as an animated TV series, feature film, and toy line. With local creators Jeffrey Morris, Rob Callahan, and Christopher Jones.
Panelists: Christopher Jones, Rob Callahan, Jeffrey Morris

7:00pm – 8:00pm Opening Ceremony (Mainstage)

If it’s not exactly a magical invocation, it is nonetheless our official kick-off for the convention! Join Connie as we welcome our Guests of Honor, give out some awards (including the Mark Time and Ogle winners), and get this party started.
(I co-wrote/produced this. My voice is in it, but I won’t be on stage.)

8:30pm – 10:30pm Smackdown (Mainstage)

Bring your wand and cloak to this year’s Smackdown for some Magical Mayhem! Wizards, witches, warlocks, and sorceresses will be judged as our panel of “experts” decides who lives and who dies in our mystical iron cage match!
Panelists: Amy Berg, Tim Wick, C. Robert Cargill, Melissa Kaercher, Tim Uren, Molly Glover, Joseph Scrimshaw, Kelvin Hatle, Christopher Jones

11:30pm – 12:30am Physics of Impossible Costumes (Atrium 7)

We’ll discuss the physics of our favorite highly unlikely costumes, from unreal women’s shapes and male upper bodies to unrealistic body armor.
Panelists: Ryan Consell, Sarah Barsness, Marie Porter, Karine Charlebois, Christopher Jones


12:30pm – 1:30pm From TV to Comics (Plaza 2)

We’ll discuss the TV shows that expanded into the comicverse, such as Buffy, Smallville, and Gargoyles. Did they succeed? Were any of the comics improvements on the shows? How did canon change during the transition?
Panelists: Shawn van Briesen, Jonathan Palmer, Greg Weisman, Greg Guler, Karine Charlebois, Christopher Jones

2:00pm – 3:00pm SIGNING  (Autograph Table in CONvergence Central)

I’ll be selling and signing Young Justice trade paperbacks and prints along side Greg Weisman and Greg Guler.

8:30pm – 9:30pm Gargoyles Q&A (Mainstage)

Join the cast and creators of “Gargoyles” to talk about the show and comic books.
Panelists: Greg Weisman, Christopher Jones, Marina Sirtis, Frank Paur, Karine Charlebois, Greg Guler

11:30pm – ??? Young Justice Meet-Up  (Garden Court)

Everyone who attends gets a SYMBIOSI ribbon (while supplies last!)


Writer Greg Weisman and artist Christopher Jones host an informal gathering for fans of Young Justice! Come hang out, chat, get autographs and take photos. Cosplay is encouraged but not mandatory!
Panelists: Christopher Jones, Greg Weisman


12:30pm – 1:30pm SIGNING (Autograph Table in CONvergence Central)

I’ll be selling and signing Young Justice trade paperbacks and prints.

10:00pm – 11:00pm Blue Mug (Edina Room)

Ever wonder about the sexual habits of Gargoyles? Ever wonder who was sleeping with whom among the Young Justice Team or the cast of Spectacular Spider-Man? Join us for for a late night peek at your favorite animated series. This panel will get blue!
Panelists: Greg Weisman, Christopher Jones

11:30pm – 12:30pm Which Supers Should Hook Up?  (Plaza 2)

If Thor and Storm got together, they would have cute little thunderbabies.
Panelists: Lyda Morehouse, Kenneth Konkol, Lathan Murrell, Samma Johnson (mod), Christopher Jones


11:00am – 12:00pm SIGNING (Autograph Table in CONvergence Central)

I’ll be selling and signing Young Justice trade paperbacks and prints alongside Tim Lieder.

12:30pm – 3:00pm Art: Impossible (Bloomington Room)

The artists return to the Thunderdome with new challenges to challenge their brain and their artistic integrity. Join us to find out how artists can achieve the IMPOSSIBLE!
Panelists: Tim Wick (mod), Christopher Jones, Melissa Kaercher, Jerry Belich, Louis Frank, Dawn Krosnowski, Ruth Thompson

3:30pm – 4:30pm Young Justice Panel (Mainstage)

Some of the creative minds behind the Young Justice TV and comic book series will talk about this fan favorite.
Panelists: Greg Weisman (mod), Marina Sirtis, Christopher Jones

5:00pm – 6:00pm Closing Ceremony (Mainstage)

It’s not over ’til the gynoid sings – or something like that. Join Connie and our Guests of Honor as we say farewell to another convention. Shenanigans may ensue.
(I co-wrote/produced this. I won’t be on stage.)

Denver Comic Con 2014!


Denver Comic Con kicks off today! I must say, this is one awesome comic con that I am VERY proud to be back at. Every comic con has its own flavor and personality, and even though Denver Comic Con draws around 75,000 fans, it still does an impressive job of feeling like a community. Plus I get to hang out with Greg Weisman all weekend.

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Last night we checked out the con pre-party at Mile High Comics, which is kind of like the warehouse at the end of Raiders, only for comic books. We really like comic books.

I will be set up at Artist Valley table D16 throughout the convention! Here’s a handy map to help you find me:

DCC 2014 map
My Denver Comic Con Schedule:


Young Justice – MINI Main Friday 4:45pm to 5:35pm

The creators of this fan favorite series will talk all things about the team of Super-Hero sidekicks.

Four Color Mixer  – Breckinridge Brewery/Hilton Garden Inn 7:00pm to 10:00pm

Denver Comic Con’s intimate cocktail party to celebrate our special comic book guests, along with a limited number of attendees.


Batman 75th in Comics – Room 203 2:45pm to 3:35pm

The Dark Knight has prowled the streets of Gotham for 75 years. Come hear from some of the people that made his journey possible over the years.


Aurora Rise – Booth 532 10:30am to 11:00am

I’ll head over to the Aurora Rise booth to hang out and sign, maybe contribute a sketch for their next charity sketchbook! Check out this great organization!

DMZ Art Talk – DMZ/Corral 1:30pm to 2:15pm

Fans of all ages are invited to come chat and draw with Christopher Jones in the DCC Comics Corral teen zone!

All other times, I will be at my Artist Valley table signing, selling & talking to fans! I didn’t do any panels at last year’s Denver Comic Con since my decision to attend was sort of late in the game, so I’m super excited about my schedule this year. You may also wish to check out Greg Weisman’s Denver Comic Con schedule.

Who Doesn’t Love FREE Stuff?

I’ve got several freebies this year at my Artist Valley table!

Free Mini-prints for followers!

Show me you follow me on Twitter or like my Facebook page for your FREE signed mini-print!

Fastest Man Alive FREE MINI PRINT v2Disco-Wing-Mini-Print-Ad

Free Parallel Man posters!

Parallel Man is my upcoming sci-fi comic series for FutureDude Entertainment. I’ve got a limited supply of FREE full color 11×17″ Parallel Man posters featuring characters from the book, which I am more than happy to sign for anyone who wants one.

C2E2-Parallel-Man-Water-Poster  Parallel Man Mac Poster C2E2  C2E2-Parallel-Man-Chicago-Poster

Free Candy & Healthy Snacks!

I always have free candy at my table! It’s part of my evil plan.

Step 1: Have free candy at my table.

Step 2: ??????????

Step 3: Profit!

Recently I’ve also started stocking a supply of granola & breakfast bars for anyone who asks for one. I know convention food can get expensive and it can be tough to eat anything healthy, especially if you’re a young fan on a budget. So if you feel yourself energy crashing or just in need of an energy boost, PLEASE do stop by Artist Valley table #D16 and just ask for a granola/breakfast bar.

Aurora Rise Sketchbook

Available at Aurora Rise Booth #532! I contributed a sketch to the Aurora Rise Sketchbook Vol. 2! All purchases go to benefit victims of the 7/20/12 Aurora Theater Shooting. You can find more information on the Aurora Rise website here.


I’ll have all my Young Justice & comics 11×17″ prints available at my Artist Valley table, including a new Artemis Crock and Wally West print, “Spitfire”. Prints are $20/ea or 3 for $50, which is a significant discount from my Etsy store.

Spitfire - Framed prev (1) Young-Justice-Framed-prev The Family Crock - Framed prev
Earths Mightiest Heroes - Framed prev DOOM! - Framed color prev 32346_436201606417440_836745009_n

I’ll also have some smaller, black & white prints for $5, including a Young Justice and a Batman ’66 print.

Signatures are ALWAYS free, so feel free to bring stuff for me to sign.

Classic Doctor Who fans may be interested in picking up my new-in-2014 print, “For the Fans”, based on Peter Davison’s fantastic 50th Anniversary special, “The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot“. This will be the first comic convention I’ll have it at! And of course I’ll have all my other Doctor Who prints, too.


Day one of Denver Comic Con.

It is a full moon and Friday the 13th.


Young Justice Panel at Gallifrey One 2014

Here it is! The video of the Young Justice Panel we held at Gallifrey One last February!


Cameron Bowen – Voice of Robin (Tim Drake)
Kris Carter – Composer
Christopher Jones – Comic Book Artist
Stephanie Lemelin – Voice of Artemis
Eric Lopez – Voice of Blue Beetle
Vanessa Marshall – Voice of Black Canary
Michael McCuistion – Composer
Lolita Ritmanis – Composer
Andrew Robinson – Writer
Brent Spiner – Voice of the Joker
Jason Spisak – Voice of Kid Flash
Greg Weisman – Co-creator/Producer, Writer


Many thanks to Gallifrey One for hosting us and allowing us to take video of the event, and to all the wonderful fans who turned up to celebrate the awesomeness that is Young Justice with all of us. We were truly humbled, and had so much fun!

Oh, and if anyone was interested in seeing the two pages discussed from Young Justice: Invasion #25 in greater detail, here they are.

 YJ #25 inks pg 16 prev (1)YJ #25 inks pg 16 REV prev (1)YJ #25 inks pg 17 prev (1)YJ #25 inks pg 17 REV prev (1)

Christopher Jones’ C2E2 2014 Schedule & More!

C2E2 Logo

I am currently packing for my annual visit to Chicago – a strong contender for my favorite city of all time – and very excited to see the C2E2 crowd again! It really is a great show for comics fans and I look forward to every year.

I will be at table U18 in Artist Alley most of the time, but I do have some other events & signings going on!


C2E2 2014 Schedule



12:00pm – 1:00pm  Artist Alley Stage

Watch me draw LIVE on a BIG screen in the middle of Artist Alley!

3:00pm – 4:00pm  Signing at FutureDude (Booth 518)

Come check out my new project & get a free signed poster!


2:00pm – 3:00pm  Signing and Sketching at FutureDude (Booth 518)

Come check out my new project & get a free poster or quick head sketch!

7:15pm – 8:00pm  C2E2 2014 Young Justice Meet-up!!

Meet other Young Justice fans at C2E2, take some photos, just hang out and talk Young Justice! SYMBIOSI!


11:00am – 12:00pm  Signing at FutureDude (Booth 518)

Come check out my new project & get a free signed poster!

7:30pm – 9:30pm  C2E2 Charity Art AuctionEvil Genius

I may not be present for this depending on how tired I am at the end of the weekend. But I do have a sketch up for auction! The sketch is of the “Evil Genius” character from Time Bandits, a movie everyone should see. It is ink on paper. Either way, go ahead and bid on some art – all proceeds benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital!


Artist Alley

When I’m not off signing at FutureDude or on the Artist Alley stage, you’ll be able to find me at Artist Alley table U18. Here’s a handy map:

c2e2 map christopher jones


I’ll have all my Young Justice & comics 11×17″ prints available at my Artist Alley table, including a new Artemis Crock and Wally West print aptly titled, “Spitfire”. Prints are $20/ea or 3 for $50, which is a significant discount from my Etsy store.

Spitfire - Framed prev (1) Young-Justice-Framed-prev The Family Crock - Framed prev
Earths Mightiest Heroes - Framed prev DOOM! - Framed color prev 32346_436201606417440_836745009_n

I’ll also have some smaller, black & white prints for $5, including a Young Justice and a Batman ’66 print. As far as comics, I’ll have some Young Justice: Invasion Trade Paperbacks for $15 and I may bring a box of The Batman Strikes! comics… we’ll see.

Signatures are ALWAYS free, so feel free to bring stuff for me to sign.

Classic Doctor Who fans may be interested in picking up my new-in-2014 print, “For the Fans”, based on Peter Davidson’s fantastic 50th Anniversary special, “The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot“. This will be the first comic convention I’ll have it at! And of course I’ll have all my other Doctor Who prints, too.



I should also mention that, per usual, I will also have some healthy snacks available free for fans at my Artist Alley table. They are granola & fruit bars. They are completely safe and definitely are not made by Lexcorp. But I know conventions can get expensive and it can be hard to eat healthy at the food court, so if you need an energy boost, just stop by and ask me.



I will be doing custom sketches at:

$80 for the first character + $60 for each additional character in the same sketch

However, my sketch list fills up FAST at conventions, so the earlier you bring me your request, the better.


FREE Mini-Prints!

I debuted my very popular “Disco Nightwing” free mini-print at C2E2 2013, so it seemed fitting to debut a NEW free mini-print at C2E2 2014! Presenting “Fastest Man Alive”! Visit me at C2E2 or any other convention in 2014 to get your own free signed copy!

Fastest Man Alive FREE MINI PRINT v2


Don’t worry – I’ll still have Disco Nightwing mini-prints and Christopher Jones Art buttons available free at least through the rest of 2014!



Young Justice Meet-Up

Greg Weisman and I have been organizing a little guerrilla programming in the form of Young Justice Meet-Ups at as many conventions as we can – we know the Young Justice fandom is still alive and kicking! So… want to meet other Chicago area Young Justice fans? Take some cosplay photos? Just hang out for a while with me and talk Young Justice?  Come to the hall across from the Speed Dating room on Saturday at 7:15pm! See you there! SYMBIOSI!

YJ Meetup C2E2 2



FutureDude Entertainment, publishers of “Parallel Man” (the  new sci-fi action-adventure project I’ve been working on this year,) will have an Exhibitor booth and they will be giving away all kinds of goodies! Including FREE 11×17″ posters featuring my art and colored by Young Justice colorist, Zac Atkinson!

C2E2-Parallel-Man-Chicago-Poster Parallel Man Mac Poster C2E2

I will be signing & sketching over at FutureDude’s booth throughout the convention (see my schedule above). Here’s a handy map to find FutureDude at C2E2 (Booth 518):

C2E2 FutureDude Map v1



Well, I think that about covers it. I had better get back to packing!  See you at C2E2!