New York Comic Con Sketches

NYCC 2012 Kid Flash NYCC 2012 Miss Martian NYCC 2013 Dickbabs
All of my convention sketches are black ink on 9×12″ bristol. I will also draw on sketch covers and in sketchbooks by request. Payment due when you pick up the completed sketch. My New York Comic Con sketch list does fill up fast, so the earlier you can get me your request, the better. I will be in Artist Alley all 4 days, easy to find at table C18.


New York Comic Con 2014 Sketch Rates 

Full Figure: $100 for the first character + $60 for each additional character

Head Sketch (shoulders & up): $60

If you would like to send me your NYCC sketch request ahead of time, putting you first on my list, please email it to


Student Sketch Rate Sweepstakes

I know many of you are students who can’t afford my sketch rates but really, REALLY want one of my sketches. I hear you, so I am going to hold a sweepstakes for 5 students to purchase a custom convention sketch at a special student rate.

Full Figure: $40 for the first character + $40 for each additional character

Head Sketch (shoulders & up): $20

Entries will be accepted until midnight on Saturday, Oct 5th 2014. Winners will be notified by email on Sunday, Oct 6th. If you win, you must be present at New York Comic Con and you must show me your student ID in order to get your sketch at the special student rate. Use the form below to enter the drawing.

Sign-ups are now closed. Thanks!

Springcon 2012 Tigra CCE 2013 Joker Geek Kon 2014 Wonder Woman

5th Annual Cincinnati Comic Expo!!

This weekend I will be heading back to Cincinnati Comic Expo to see awesome comics fans hailing from Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana!

I’m really looking forward to it, as CCE is one of those conventions that you can tell is supported by a vibrant local fan community. Conventions are places where you can buy art and swag and find out about cool new things, but at the end of the day for a lot of people they are most notably about being among your own. Conventions like Cincinnati Comic Expo that celebrate that spirit of community as part of the overall con experience are a pleasure to participate in.

Anywho, the 5th Annual Cincinnati Comic Expo is 9/19 to 9/21/2014 at the Duke Energy Convention Center in downtown Cincinnati. I will be at Booth 228. Here’s a map where you can find me at the con!

Map to find Christopher Jones at CCE 2014 (Booth 228)

Sunday at 1:15pm to 2:00pm, I will be moderating a panel that fans of teen sidekicks and team books will not want to miss:

Comic Legends George Perez and Marv Wolfman
LAZER KRAZE Panel Room (Junior Ballroom C,D)
Moderated by Christopher Jones
Panelists: George Perez and Marv Wolfman


FREE STUFF! You heard me, Cincinnati! FREEEEEEE STUFF!

Who doesn’t like free stuff??? Just come find me at any point at Booth 228 to get yours!

I will have FREE mini-prints or buttons for Facebook & Twitter followers….

Get a free Disco Nightwing mini-print at Cincinnati Comic Expo!

Fastest Man Alive FREE MINI PRINT at Cincinnati Comic Expo

And FREE posters for my new comic series, Parallel Man! For everybody who wants one! You can even have one of each! And I’ll sign them free too!

C2E2-Parallel-Man-Water-Poster Parallel Man Mac Poster C2E2 C2E2-Parallel-Man-Chicago-Poster
Also… Art and Comics for sale! I will have a few Young Justice trade paperbacks with me and, as usual, I will have all of my prints available, which are $5 each for small black & white prints and $20 each for 11×17″ full color prints. This is a convention special and a significant discount from my Etsy store.

In particular I have quite a few Doctor Who and Superhero prints (including Young Justice!) Here’s a small selection:

Young-Justice-Framed-prev 32346_436201606417440_836745009_n Earths Mightiest Heroes - Framed prev
two face Batman 66 - Batman yjminiprint
1903554_10151871848276372_40915074_n TARDIS-on-Alien-World-Framed-Print-prev

And of course I will be doing sketches throughout the convention by request!

My Cincinnati Comic Expo 2014 sketch prices are:

  • $40 for a head shot
  • $60 for a full figure character + $30 for each additional character in the same sketch

Here are a few examples of convention sketches from previous cons…

Joker Sketch Cover for Strange Adventures CCE13 Sketch - Artemis sketch e
sketch d sketch g CCE13 Sketch - Huntress
 Whew! So I hope to see some of you this weekend at Cincinnati Comic Expo! Stop by, say hello, get some free stuff. :)

Parallel Man: Invasion America #1 Preview

After nine months of working in relative silence on this project, my new science fiction adventure comic book series with FutureDude Entertainment is almost available! Finally I can share some of it with the world! Here’s a preview of Parallel Man: Invasion America #1 and some more information about the world and story.

Parallel Man Logo

The story of Parallel Man follows Commander Nick Morgan — an intelligence agent from an evil version of America in an alternate universe. His government, known as The Ascendancy, has attacked and enslaved eleven other Earths and has its sights set on our world as their next target for their empire.

Parallel Man: Invasion America #1 Cover Parallel Man #1 p14
Parallel Man #1 p15 Parallel Man #1 p16 Parallel Man #1 p17

Nick spent his childhood secretly learning of the freedom in other Americas from his grandfather, Tobias Morgan, and struggles to fulfill the deadly goals of his leaders. Now, after stealing an advanced vehicle prototype and his A.I. companion Atlas, Nick seeks out the leaders of a former rebellion known as The Futurists (led by a parallel universe version of Dr. Carl Sagan) for their assistance in assembling a legendary weapon that could stop the Ascendancy forever.

Nick is pursued by Mackenzie Cartwright, daughter of the president and commander of the all-black Hellfighters Squad in the segregated Ascendancy military. Her motives are complex. She is loyal to the Ascendancy, but the culture of her home world is not friendly to her ambitions for power or her relationship with Captain Glenn Douglass, one of the soldiers under her command.

Parallel Man: Invasion America is exciting, the world is immense, the characters are interesting. Like any good science fiction, it touches on some what-ifs that I think will help promote interesting discussion. (For instance, the Ascendancy is a parallel universe in which the civil rights movements never happened.) Overall, the tone is pro-science, pro-scientist, anti-imperialist, and a fun adventure that explores power, resistance and the costs of freedom

Young Justice comics fans will be interested to know that not only is the art by me, but it is colored by Zac Atkinson, who was the colorist on the Young Justice comic books.

There’s lots more information about Parallel Man HERE.

Parallel Man: Invasion America #1 hits shelves in comic book stores nationwide on October 8, 2014!


You should pre-order it! Really.


Because FutureDude Entertainment is a new, small publisher, there is absolutely no guarantee that your local comics shop will stock it unless YOU ask them to. That’s right – you calling up or walking into your local comics shop and asking them to order a comic from a small publisher can significantly help make or break the distribution of the entire series. Parallel Man: Invasion America is no different! So, please, help get Parallel Man out there by pre-ordering it today!

Add Parallel Man: Invasion America to your pull list with Diamond code Aug141505!

Pre-order Parallel Man Today with Diamond code Aug141505

Writer: Jeffrey Morris, Fredrick Haugen
Pencils & Inks: Christopher Jones
Colors: Zac Atkinson
Cover: Dylan Hansen
Letters: Cortland Bechtell, Jordain Cheng-Kinnander
Editor: Jeffrey Morris, Kimberly Morris
Publisher: FutureDude
Digital Cover Date: September 2014
Print Cover Date: October 2014
Cover Price: $3.99

Remembering Nick Post

Nick Post tribute art


I drew this portrait of my friend Nick Post (Dominic Postiglione if you want to be formal) who passed away this past week for a tribute to him in the upcoming Parallel Man comic book I’ve been drawing.

Nick had been very supportive of this homegrown Minnesota-based project, which should come as no surprise to anyone who knew him. I’ve never known a more passionate supporter of the local community of comic book fans and creators.

Nick was co-owner of The Source Comics and Games and the driving force behind the long-running MCBA comic conventions (Fallcon and Springcon). I can count on one hand the times I had a chance to have dinner with Nick or otherwise see him outside of a convention or an event at The Source. But for over 20 years Nick had been a regular presence in my life, always greeting me with a smile and always eager to support any project I was working on.

Every year when I showed up for Fallcon and Springcon I made it a point to seek out and have a chat with Nick. Those conventions have always been very special and considered must-not-miss appearances on my annual calendar. They were the first conventions I ever attended as a professional, and I was always treated *professionally* there even when I was just starting out and was an absolute nobody. I’ve always felt extraordinarily well treated by all the volunteers and staff at MCBA shows, and I don’t hesitate to attribute that to Nick who led by example.

I’m going to miss Nick so much and am sad to think how conspicuously absent he’ll be at Fallcon this year. But I’ll console myself in looking at those ongoing conventions as part of Nick’s legacy. I’m sure others will step up to not only run them but to help welcome the next generation of comics fans and creators to the fold.

It’s what Nick would want.

CONvergence 2014 Guest of Honor Badges

Since co-founding the first CONvergence in 1999, I’ve drawn unique, custom badge art for every CONvergence Guest of Honor, every year. It’s time consuming, but I believe—both as a convention runner and as a frequent guest at conventions myself—that it creates a powerful first impression towards CONvergence being a unique convention experience.

I usually try to reference something from a given guest’s body of work in a clever way, as well as try to incorporate our mascot, Connie, on badges for Guests who have been to CONvergence before and are already familiar with the character. Here are the custom Guest of Honor badges I created this year for our CONvergence 2014 Guests.

CVG 2014 GoH Badge prev - Amy Berg

Amy Berg

One of Amy’s projects is the digital series, Caper, for Geek and Sundry. It seemed appropriate to highlight one of the superheroes from that show, so I drew the armored alter ego of The Machine.

CVG 2014 GoH Badge prev - Emma Bull

Emma Bull

Emma Bull is probably best known in the Twin Cities for her Minneapolis-based urban fantasy novel, War for the Oaks, so I wanted to visually reference that setting, including the novel’s protagonist, Eddi McCandry, and the shape-shifting phouka.

CVG 2014 GoH Badge prev - C Robert Cargill

C Robert Cargill

Cargill is a long-time friend of CONvergence as well as a personal friend of mine. Knowing his tastes, it was a no-brainer to suit him up as Ace Hunter from Megaforce, with Connie along for the ride on his jet-powered, flying motorcycle.

CVG 2014 GoH Badge prev - Sarah Clemens

Sarah Clemens

Much of Sarah’s work features the characters of Magnus the cat and Loki the Norwegian Speartail Dragon, so doing something with them seemed the obvious choice. I understood Magnus & Loki are known to be pair of troublemakers, and somehow a “Usual Suspects” motif emerged…

CVG 2014 GoH Badge prev - Matthew Ebel

Matthew Ebel

Musician Matt Ebel includes many references to robots, including GLaDOS from Portal. So I placed GLaDOS in front of a keyboard and added Matthew’s trademark beard. This was the design from this year that I most questioned how it would go over, but Matthew was delighted with it. Whew!

CVG 2014 GoH Badge prev - Scott Lynch

Scott Lynch

This was Scott’s first time as a CONvergence Guest of Honor but he’s been attending the convention for many years, so I had no problem casting Connie as the Gray King standing in front of Red Seas Under Red Skies from Scott’s Gentleman Bastard series of novels.

CONvergence 2014 welcomed several Guests of Honor with connections to Disney’s Gargoyles as part of our celebration of the Gargoyles 20th Anniversary. In light of this, I did a mash-up of a Gargoyles character with another thing a given Guest of Honor was known for. 
CVG 2014 GoH Badge prev - Greg Guler

Greg Guler

Greg was Lead Character Designer for Gargoyles and currently serves in the same capacity on Phineas and Ferb, so his badge featured a mash-up of Brooklyn and Phineas and Ferb’s Agent P.

CVG 2014 GoH Badge prev - Frank Paur

Frank Paur

Frank was the Supervising Producer on Gargoyles and in recent years has served as art director and director of many Marvel animation projects, including Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, so I drew Dr. Bruce Banner transforming into Gargoyles’ Broadway, in an homage to the cover of The Incredible Hulk #1.

CVG 2014 GoH Badge prev - Marina Sirtis

Marina Sirtis

Marina Sirtis was the voice of the villainous Demona on Gargoyles, which stood in stark contrast with her role as Counsellor Deanna Troi on Star Trek: The Next Generation. So I couldn’t resist putting Demona in Troi’s uniform… With a phaser rifle thrown in for good measure.

CVG 2014 GoH Badge prev - Greg Weisman

Greg Weisman

I’ve been lucky enough call Greg a colleague and a friend for several years. The majority of our work together was on the Young Justice comic book for DC Comics, so dressing Goliath as Young Justice’s Nightwing seemed oddly appropriate. Whelmed, even.

So that wraps up all of the CONvergence 2014 badge art. If you didn’t see it yet, be sure to check out the CONvergence 2014 membership badge art as well! And if you’re interested in checking out more badge art from previous years, I’ve got most of it posted on my blog under the “Badge Art” tag – click here to check it out!