TARDIS Wallpaper

I recently creating a Facebook Timeline image for the Doctor Who and the TARDIS facebook fan page. It seemed fairly popular, so I wanted to make available an unbranded version of the image for others to use, as well as uncropped versions of the image that can be used for desktop computer, smartphone or iPad wallpapers. I couldn’t custom format it for EVERY device out there (can’t we standardize the screen size on these things?), but hopefully you can find something below that will work for you!

The art is also available as an 11×17″ color print in my Etsy store.

Facebook Timeline

Facebook Timeline

Here are three for smartphones.

480 × 800

480 × 800

600 × 800

600 × 800

640 × 960

640 × 960


And finally a couple of larger sizes for tablets and desktop walllpapers.

1600 x 1200

1600 x 1200

1920 × 1200

1920 × 1200

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