Posts tagged: Springcon

MSP Comicon (Formerly SpringCon) This Weekend!

MSP ComiCon Logo & Info Graphic

This weekend is Midwest Comic Book Association’s MSP Comicon, formerly known as SpringCon. It is a convention that means a lot to me. Not only if is my home turf and a vibrant and inclusive community of comic creators and fans, but it was the first convention I ever exhibited at, and the con I was first treated like a professional so many years ago.

So when they asked whether they could use my “Trinity” art for their promotion materials this year, I was more than happy to give my blessing!

I’ll have my full selection of prints available, of course, and be doing sketch commissions as usual. I may have some comic books available too, as well as Young Justice trade paperbacks.

I do have a few new pieces of art since last year, including one very special print I created to memorialize someone who seemed larger than life. (I shared some of my thoughts on Nick in another blog post.)

Nick Post as Kingpin of Comics

I have 100 copies of this 8.5×11″ full color print and will be selling them for $5.00 for as long as they last. 100% of the sales of “Kingpin of Comics” will be donated to the Lupus Foundation of Minnesota.

I’ll also have no shortage of fun new Superhero art for Minnesota fans to take home.

Nightwing's Butt 11242897_10152759523481372_1437973553_oWonder Woman 77
Each of these 8.5×11″ black and white prints are just $5.00!


Go Team Batgirl! Bat Wolf Art Print
These 11×17″ full color prints are just $20 each (a significant discount from my Etsy store), and as usual, 3 for $50 on all of my 11×17″ prints.

Lastly, I have a new free mini-print for my Minnesota Facebook and Twitter followers!

Wonder Woman Flying her invisible jet mini-print

Okay, I think that’s it. I’m heading to the Minnesota State Fairgrounds to set up my table. Looking forward to seeing all of you this weekend! Viva la MCBA!

MCBA Springcon – May 18-19, 2013

MCBA 2013 GreenPoster

If you haven’t had a chance to see me this month, it hasn’t been for a lack of me trying!

I’ll be signing and sketching at Springcon on Saturday May 18 and Sunday May 19, helping the Minnesota Comic Book Association (MCBA) celebrate their 25th Anniversary! We’ll be filling the Minnesota State Fairgrounds Grandstand with all the comic book geekery you can shake a Pronto-Pup at (Pronto-Pup’s not provided).

I’ll be there selling prints , Young Justice and Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes trade paperbacks, and doing commission sketches from 10am to 5pm both days!

Young Justice - Framed prevI Am The Master - Framed prevTrinity

I’ll be selling my 11″×17″ prints (all the same ones I just had at the C2E2 convention) for $20 each , which is $10 less than from my Etsy store! So if you’ve had your eye on anything in particular, this is a great time to purchase it!Stop by my table and show me that you follow my Christopher Jones Comic Art page on Facebook or @ChrisJonesArt on Twitter and get one of two FREE exclusive items:

Disco Wing Mini-Print Ad

I hope to see you at Springcon! And remember, you can check out all my planned convention appearances for the coming year on my Appearances Page!