New Headers!

Monsieur Mallah, The Brain, and The Team

I just posted a number of new pieces to the gallery of header artwork that randomly populates the spot at the top of this blog. Most of them are horizontal slivers of covers or interior art from recent issues of Young Justice. Refresh the page a few times to check some of them out! The old ones are still in there too, so don’t be surprised of some familiar ones pop up.

If you are looking at this blog post while the header art in this post pops up for real, let me know if coins spill out of your computer. I get 10%.


  • By Eddy, August 19, 2012 @ 6:04 am

    Took me 15 reloads. I had nothing better to do. Any reason why the banner on top uses artwork in its full width, and the one in your blog post is 1/3 black?

  • By Christopher Jones, August 19, 2012 @ 9:52 am

    …because those actually aren’t the same header? I tried two different arrangements/croppings of the art from the same spread from Young Justice #18. One runs the entire width of the banner, but the Young Justice team is largely hidden behind the logo. The other one was scaled down so you could see the team, but it wasn’t wide enough to reach all the way to the left of the frame. I kind of liked both so I threw them both into the mix.

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