I’m headed to Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo this weekend! C2E2 is a con I’ve made a point to get to every year, partially just because it’s driveable for me—an 8-hour road trip but still driveable—which means I can actually bring short boxes of comics. So if anybody is looking for apparently-hard-to-find issues of The Batman Strikes!, you’re in luck! I also like C2E2 because it’s run by ReedPOP, who have always been good to me, and on top of that, seem to try to prioritize positive fan experiences and safety. (Seriously – just have a look at their anti-harassment policy.) I like that in a con.
I’ll be at Artist Alley table U10 for all three days of the convention. Here’s a handy map to help you find me!

2015 Con Exclusive Free Mini-Print
Those who have been following me for a while know that C2E2 is also where I unveil my new free mini-print for the year! These are convention exclusive 4″x6″ signed prints that can only be obtained by visiting me at a convention and showing me that you follow me on Facebook or Twitter. It’s a way that I can say thank you to my fans for sticking around. And they’re sort of starting to become collectible, apparently.
For this year, all three mini-prints are still free (choose one per visit) but next year I may start charging for previous years’ so get yours while you can! Anyway, without further adieu, here’s my 2015 free convention exclusive mini-print!

New Prints Since Last Year
I’ve got a few new 11″x17″ full color and 9.5″x11″ black-and-white prints for purchase since last year’s C2E2, too. I think you guys are going to like these. As usual, I’ll be offering all of my prints at a significant discount from my Etsy store prices.

You can see the rest of my prints in my gallery. C2E2 2015 At-the-Con Sketch Rates
I will be doing sketches during the convention. Stop by my table, U10, on Friday or Saturday to get on my list! Here are my at-the-con sketch rates.
Full Figure: $80 for the first character + $60 for each additional character
Head Sketch (shoulders & up): $60

Don’t Forget to EAT SOMETHING
Yes, there’s a lot going on at a big convention like C2E2, and yes, the food court can be kind of expensive if you’re attending the con on a budget. I’ve been there. We’ve all been there. But it’s important to eat, so if you for whatever reason need a snack during the convention, stop by my table (U10) and ask for a granola or breakfast bar. I’ve once again bought a couple big boxes from Costco to share with fans who need it. Free. I do this at all the big conventions because taking care of yourself is important, guys.
One Last Thing…
So, I don’t know the specifics, but Hal tells me that you guys probably will not want to miss Gene Ha’s spotlight panel on Friday at 12:30pm. I understand he’s announcing some big new project that will probably appeal to fans of all-ages works like Young Justice. Plus, “Special edition preview comic for Panel Attendees only!”
Okay, time to collect Hal and Jenna and hit the road in my fancy new-to-me-and-actually-made-in-this-century Dodge Caravan. This is my friend Jenna’s first forray to C2E2. I’m looking forward to her reaction to the thing. Please stop by at the con and say hi! Looking forward to seeing all you wonderful Chicago people again!