Robin – Christopher Jones Comic Art and Illustration Blog Tue, 21 Jan 2014 22:25:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 42733131 Out Wednesday: Batman ’66 #7 – featuring FALSE FACE! Tue, 21 Jan 2014 22:25:19 +0000 batman-66-7-cover_52d95ef00df430-35477056

BATMAN ‘66 #7 collects the False Face 2-parter written by Jeff Parker and drawn by myself (Christopher Jones) that already appeared in digital form with all kinds of fansy-shmancy motion enhancements. The solicitation describes it this way: “Horrors! Bruce Wayne is trying to scam a jewelry store and put the blame on poor Aunt Harriet? Or could it actually be the work of that mysterious master of disguises, False Face?

The story also features a guest appearance by The Riddler, and the debut of the Batman ’66 version of The Batplane! I’m a huge fan of the 1960’s Batman Television Series, so it was a huge treat to get to draw this story, especially given the great Jeff Parker script and the appearance of two of my favorite Bat-villains!

Check out the great Mike Allred cover above, and you can see previews of the first five pages of the story with artwork by me below!

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The comic issue features a second story written by Tom Peyer and drawn by Derec Donovan. Find out how crime really pays when the Clown Prince of Crime tries to downsize his mob in “The Joker’s Layoff Riot.”

Be sure to pick the issue up at your local comics shop or in digital form!

BATMAN ‘66 #7

Written by: Jeff Parker, Tom Peyer
Art by: Christopher Jones, Derec Donovan
Cover by: Mike Allred
Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: Jan 22 2014

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Out NOW: Young Justice #17 – “Uncommon Demoninators” Thu, 21 Jun 2012 13:05:55 +0000 Young Justice #17 Cover

Young Justice #17 Cover

YOUNG JUSTICE #17 is written by Kevin Hopps and Greg Weisman and Christopher Jones with color by Zac Atkinson.

  • KOBRA is back – and he’s scheming to become a god!
  • Don’t miss the action as ROBIN, KID FLASH and ARTEMIS tackle MAMMOTH and SHIMMER!
  • Guest-starring BATMAN, THE FLASH and GREEN ARROW!
  • The issue is set in MINNEAPOLIS, so for readers local to the area you should recognize a number of familiar landmarks and Easter eggs!

YJ #17 page 1

YJ #17 page 1

YJ #17 page 2

YJ #17 page 2

YJ #17 page 3

YJ #17 page 3

YJ #17 Title Spread

YJ #17 Title Spread

Be sure to pick the issue up at your local comics shop or in digital form!

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Out TODAY: Young Justice #16 Wed, 30 May 2012 06:04:09 +0000 Young Justice #16

Young Justice #16

YOUNG JUSTICE #16 is written by Greg Weisman and Christopher Jones with color by Zac Atkinson.

Robin, Kid Flash and Artemis fight crime with their adult counterparts (that’s Batman, The Flash and Green Arrow, respectively) in this first part of a new storyline. As an added bonus there’s an Easter Egg for attendees of CONvergence!

Green Arrow & Artemis

Green Arrow & Artemis

In the Museum

In the Museum

Batman and Robin

Batman and Robin

Be sure to pick the issue up at your local comics shop or in digital form!

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Coming in June: Young Justice #17 Mon, 19 Mar 2012 06:06:53 +0000 Young Justice #17

Young Justice #17

YOUNG JUSTICE #17 – On Sale June 20, 2012
Written by Greg Weisman and Kevin Hopps, art and cover by Christopher Jones.

Kobra is back — and he’s scheming to become a god! Robin, Kid Flash and Artemis tackle Mammoth and Shimmer! Guest-starring Batman, The Flash and Green Arrow!
  • 32 pages
  • Color
  • $2.99 US

Issues #1-13 are currently available and #14 is out this week! Pick an issue up in digital form or at your local comic shop!

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Happy Halloween semi-decapitation! Thu, 20 Oct 2011 16:06:25 +0000 CHOK!


I was always a little surprised that we got away with that one in a Johnny DC title. Granted, it’s a plant simulacrum of Poison Ivy and not the real flesh and blood original, but STILL!

Here’s the full page for context from The Batman Strikes #33:

Strikes #33 pg 02 color

Strikes #33 pg 02 color

Inks by Terry Beatty. Colors by Heroic Age Studio.

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Title Pages: Batman Strikes 18 & 33 Wed, 19 Oct 2011 04:05:36 +0000 Whenever possible, I always preferred hand-drawing my own sound effects and story titles during my run on The Batman Strikes! I especially liked incorporating the logo into the background art in some way, probably because of all those great Will Eisner titles for The Spirit. But I always had to work with what I was given. Sometimes I didn’t have a lot of room. Sometimes the story title didn’t lend itself as well to graphic treatment. But it almost always was more pleaseing to my eye than having it left to be typeset by the letterer.

Let’s kick this off with a pair of logos from Poison Ivy stories (boy we had a lot of Poison Ivy stories on The Batman Strikes!).

First up, from Batman Strikes #18:

Batman Strikes #18 - Title Logo

Batman Strikes #18 - Title Logo

Here’s an example of a title that lent itself to graphic treatment nicely, but as part of a 4-panel page there wasn’t much room to work it into the background art. Still, I was able to give the title something of a flowery flourish, and that was fun.

Strikes #18 Title Page pencils

Strikes #18 Title Page pencils

Strikes #18 Title Page color

Strikes #18 Title Page color

Here’s a view of the full page, so you can see how the logo works in context. Inks are by Terry Beatty and colors are by Heroic Age. Which I guess you could read for yourself in the credits if you click on the image to see it full-size!

Strikes #33 - logo

Strikes #33 - logo

In The Batman Strikes #33 we had the reverse scenario: A big splashy full page shot, but kind of a simple title. I opted to just create really organic character shapes and try to make it look as though it were wrapped around the side of this giant vine structure.

Strikes #33 Title Page pencils

Strikes #33 Title Page pencils

Strikes #33 Title Page color

Strikes #33 Title Page color

I was quite happy with this page overall. BTW – those are plant simulacrums of Poison Ivy that Batman, Robin and Batgirl are fighting. I like the dizzying quality to this shot, and the way the vine wraps through the image. The credits were colored a bit darkly, but I suppose no-one really cared except for the seven people who’s names are listed there!

More to come, stay tuned!

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Batman & Robin #18 – pencils & color Fri, 30 Sep 2011 23:51:59 +0000 Last year I was called on to draw six pages from Batman & Robin #18, written by Paul Cornell. The story featured Dick Grayson as Batman and Damian Wayne as Robin encountering a villain named The Absence, a woman who discovered she had a brain deformity called Dandy Walker Syndrome only after surviving a gunshot wound to the head. Weird character. But hey, it’s a Batman villain!

I’ve posted the 6 pages I drew from the story in my gallery, with the pencil art I drew side-by-side with the inked and colored pages for comparison.

B&R #18 pg18 - pencils & color

Batman & Robin #18 page 18

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