Lou Frank – Christopher Jones Comic Art and Illustration Blog http://blog.christopherjonesart.com Fri, 29 Jun 2012 11:27:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 42733131 CONvergence Badge Art: #CVG2008 http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/convergence-badge-art-cvg2008/ http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/convergence-badge-art-cvg2008/#respond Fri, 29 Jun 2012 11:21:49 +0000 http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/?p=2088 I’m counting down to CONvergence 2012 on July 5-8 this year, and sharing some highlights from past year’s badge art that I’ve done for the convention.

CONvergence 2008 was our tenth convention, and our only real theme was a celebration of ten years of CONvergence!

#CVG2008 Ages 5 & Under Badge

#CVG2008 Ages 5 & Under Badge

#CVG2008 - Ages 6-17 Badge

#CVG2008 – Ages 6-17 Badge

#CVG2008 - Adult Badge

#CVG2008 – Adult Badge

I was plenty busy with Guest of Honor badges that year (more on that in the next post), so I used some artwork by regular CONvergence contributor Lou Frank on the 5 and Under and Teen registration badges. That’s his line art incorporated into my badge layout, with my own artwork on the Adult badge. I was going for something fairly clean and elegant for Year 10, and I think you can see that in the design.

Up to this point the Board of Directors had featured in the sketches and/or videos that began Opening and Closing Ceremonies at CONvergence each year, and we knew that Year 10 was our grand finale before turning that task over to a committee of talented writers and performers that weren’t necessarily on the board. We staged this crazy big musical number that featured Tim Wick as Austin Powers, which ended with him running into the hotel and transitioned into Tim entering Mainstage still in costume from the sketch to act as Emcee for Opening Ceremony. So we figured that Austin needed his own registration badge, which you can see below.

#CVG2008 - Austin Powers Badge

#CVG2008 – Austin Powers Badge

The epic video is available on YouTube in two parts:

Part One – The Dr Evil Prologue
Part Two – The Musical Number

#CVG2008 - Exec Badge

#CVG2008 – Exec Badge

#CVG2008 - Finance Badge

#CVG2008 – Finance Badge

#CVG2008 - Director Badge

#CVG2008 – Director Badge

The 2008 Exec on Duty Badge was a re-purposing of artwork I had done for a Progress Report cover that year. Lou Frank’s artwork appeared again on the Finance Badge. The Director Badge for that year featured some vintage artwork by me – the earliest drawing of Connie! Note the extra-long antenna, the two low-set arm buttons, and the rarely-used telescoping arm!

And finally, the ConCom badge went horizontal that year, so it could hang behind the other vertical badges on a lanyard and still be seen.

If you’re coming to #CVG2012 be sure to look me up! I’ll be doing two signings and on a bunch of panels.

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