FCBD – Christopher Jones Comic Art and Illustration Blog http://blog.christopherjonesart.com Tue, 01 May 2012 23:50:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 42733131 Free Comic Book Day at The Source on Saturday http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/free-comic-book-day-at-the-source-on-saturday/ http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/free-comic-book-day-at-the-source-on-saturday/#comments Tue, 01 May 2012 23:50:42 +0000 http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/?p=1803

FCBD 2012

The Source

in Roseville, MN

I’ll be signing and sketching at The Source Comics and Games in Roseville, MN this Saturday, starting at 9:30am. Wherever you are, you can visit the Free Comic Book Day web site to find the participating store nearest you. Stop by and grab some free comic books! But if you live near The Source in Roseville, stop by and say hello! Don’t forget that The Source is in their fabulous new space (2057 Snelling Avenue North). I hope to see you there!

Source Map

This is a pre-move map! The "new" location IS CURRENT!



http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/free-comic-book-day-at-the-source-on-saturday/feed/ 4 1803
Busy busy busy http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/busy-busy-busy/ http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/busy-busy-busy/#comments Tue, 06 Mar 2012 19:29:13 +0000 http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/?p=1532 FCBD - Young Justice

FCBD - Young Justice

Since getting back from the Gallifrey One convention last month I’ve been ridiculously busy and haven’t had time to make any posts to this blog. I should be able to get some blog entries written up by the tail end of these week and get back in the game here. I’ve been busy with all good stuff, not the least of which has been my new inking duties on Young Justice in addition to the penciling I’ve been doing since issue #5.

There will be a Young Justice section as part of the DC Nation book DC Comics is producing for Free Comic Book Day in May. The Young Justice pages of the FCBD book are an early peek at the Young Justice #16 and feature Robin, Batman, Artemis and Green Arrow. The sequence is written by the usual team of Greg Weisman and Kevin Hopps, penciled and inked by me, and colored by  Zac Atkinson.

I just saw the color art on those pages and Zac has done it again – I can’t wait for everyone to see how great these pages look! (The tiny image of Robin above is about as much as I figure I can show you without getting in trouble!) I hope the FCBD exposure encourages more people to check out the regular series.

There’s great things coming up in Young Justice. The upcoming Atlantis 2-parter features the debut of my inking on the book (not counting covers which I’ve been inking since I started on the title), and features a ton of new characters. I’ve got lots of blog entries to do on recent covers, character designs, and all kinds of stuff from Young Justice.

I even did a 10-page story for the first issue of the new Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes book, based on the current Avengers animated TV series. (NOTE TO EDITORS: Hey, I CAN do comics not based on TV shows! Really!) It looks great, and I can’t wait for you all to see it. I can’t tell you what classic Marvel monster-villain it features, but his initials are F.F.F!

Anyway, it’s back to work for me right now, but keep an eye out for new entries very, very soon!

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