#CVG2011 – Christopher Jones Comic Art and Illustration Blog http://blog.christopherjonesart.com Wed, 11 Jul 2012 16:44:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 42733131 Greg Weisman talks Young Justice while I look sleepy http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/greg-weisman-talks-young-justice-while-i-look-sleepy/ http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/greg-weisman-talks-young-justice-while-i-look-sleepy/#respond Wed, 11 Jul 2012 13:24:00 +0000 http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/?p=2388 Here’s a transition from all my CONvergence posts back to Young Justice:

Young Justice

It’s a short clip from CONvergence 2011 of Greg Weisman talking Young Justice, while I sit next to him looking very sleepy. Yep, I’m a born entertainer.

http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/greg-weisman-talks-young-justice-while-i-look-sleepy/feed/ 0 2388
CONvergence Badge Art: #CVG2011 Guests of Honor http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/convergence-badge-art-cvg2011-guests-of-honor/ http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/convergence-badge-art-cvg2011-guests-of-honor/#respond Wed, 04 Jul 2012 16:14:35 +0000 http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/?p=2292 It’s TOMORROW! CONvergence is as IMMINENT as it gets!

Here’s the last batch of art I’ve done for badges for the Guests of Honor of CONvergence 2011.

#CVG2011 - Edward Douglas

#CVG2011 – Edward Douglas

#CVG2011 - Brain Van Camp

#CVG2011 – Brain Van Camp

#CVG2011 - Jason Carter

#CVG2011 – Jason Carter

We had a three-pack of guests from the indie horror film The Dead Matter. Composer/filmmaker Edward Douglas of the Midnight Syndicate is the film’s director.

Actor Brian Van Camp was in the film and sported a zombie look not entirely dissimilar from this badge art.

The film also features actor Jason Carter, best known to many sci-fi fans from his role as Ranger Marcus Cole on Babylon 5.

#CVG2011 - Lynne Thomas

#CVG2011 – Lynne Thomas

#CVG2011 - Seanan McGuire

#CVG2011 – Seanan McGuire

#CVG2011 - Catherynne Valente

#CVG2011 – Catherynne Valente

Author/Editor/Librarian Lynne Thomas came to CONvergence fresh off the success of her Chicks Dig Time Lords anthology. I knew Lynne personally and asked her if she had any special requests for badge art. She said she wanted the cover of her book with Connie. Done!

Author Seanan McGuire is a Munsters fan and made the mistake of mentioning publicly that she identified with Marilyn Munster. Clearly she paid for her mistake.

I was at a bit of a loss for what to do for author and poet Catherynne Valente, and ended up referencing the fairytale element of her work very literally.

#CVG2011 - Brian Keene

#CVG2011 – Brian Keene

#CVG2011 - Anthony Tollin

#CVG2011 – Anthony Tollin

#CVG2011 - Greg Weisman

#CVG2011 – Greg Weisman

This was my third Guest of Honor badge for Brian Keene, and after having reference his zombie stories and his comics work, I decided to go with his Conqueror Worms material, and had CoLynnie fighting giant earthworms. Lovely.

The first badge I had an idea for this year was Anthony Tollin’s. Anthony is a historian of The Shadow and other pulp heroes, and is publishing deluxe reprints of The Shadow and Doc Savage pulp novels. I first knew of Tony for his work as a colorist, specifically his work as colorist of Keith Giffen’s Ambush Bug series for DC Comics. Mash up! There you go.

And finally we had another returning Guest of Honor with Greg Weisman, who I was working with on the comic book version of Young Justice, based on the animated TV series for which is is head-writer and producer. Red Tornado is featured in Young Justice, a character Greg has a history with, so Connie got the Red Tornado treatment.

That’s it! We’re all caught up! I’ll be scheduling a post for tomorrow with the 2012 Guest of Honor badges, but otherwise I’m off to CONvergence! Watch for all the CONvergence-related tweets at #CVG2012. I hope to see many of you there! Look me up at one of my signings or panels!

http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/convergence-badge-art-cvg2011-guests-of-honor/feed/ 0 2292
CONvergence Badge Art: #CVG2011 http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/convergence-badge-art-cvg2011/ http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/convergence-badge-art-cvg2011/#respond Wed, 04 Jul 2012 11:17:23 +0000 http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/?p=2294 CONvergence is IMMINENT! Like, it’s TOMORROW!

This is the final day of the countdown to CONvergence 2012 on July 5-8 this year, and sharing some highlights from past year’s badge art that I’ve done for the convention.

The CONvergence 2011 theme was Tomrrow Through the Past, not just a celebration of steampunk, but of all things retro-futuristic and of yesterday’s visions of tomorrow!

#CVG2011 - 5 & Under

#CVG2011 – 5 & Under

#CVG2011 - 6-12 Badge

#CVG2011 – 6-12 Badge

#CVG2011 - 13-17 Badge

#CVG2011 – 13-17 Badge

Did you have a better time at CONvergence 2011 than some other years? Did it feel like a better experience? A better convention as a whole? It probably did, and it was because of how cohesive my badge design work was that year. Search your feelings. You know it to be true. Oh, that’s AstroBoy, Iron Giant, and the Rocketeer from left to right.

#CVG2011 - Adult Badge

#CVG2011 – Adult Badge

And that’s a steampunk cutaway Connie schematic on the Adult badge.

#CVG2011 - Service Animal Badge

#CVG2011 – Service Animal Badge

#CVG2011 - Party Badge

#CVG2011 – Party Badge

That’s K-9 on the Service Animal Badge and the Party Badge which was new that year. We asked Party Hosts to badge parties in 2011, and as a trade off Party Hosts were allowed a certain number of Party Staff who could come in to help using these badges.

#CVG2011 - ConCom Badge

#CVG2011 – ConCom Badge

I used the Connie-in-the-Metropolis-Chair image which had proved to be quite popular that year on the Convention Committee Badge.

#CVG2011 - Temp Thurs

#CVG2011 – Temp Thurs

#CVG2011 - Temp Friday

#CVG2011 – Temp Friday

#CVG2011 - Temp Sat

#CVG2011 – Temp Sat

The Temp Badges were obviously a variation on the same design as the Party Badges. Again there was a color-coded variant for each day so the badges would “expire” after 24-hours when given out to performers and professional panelists.

If you couldn’t fathom based on Thursday through Saturday what the Sunday Temp Badge might have looked like…

#CVG2011 - Temp Sunday

#CVG2011 – Temp Sunday

…now you know.

If you’re coming to #CVG2012 be sure to look me up! I’ll be doing two signings and on a bunch of panels.

http://blog.christopherjonesart.com/convergence-badge-art-cvg2011/feed/ 0 2294