Community – Christopher Jones Comic Art and Illustration Blog Wed, 19 Jun 2013 20:06:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 42733131 Help bring Inspector Spacetime to CONvergence! Wed, 19 Jun 2013 20:06:56 +0000 903218_593895440621922_1692625245_o

I helped start a sci-fi convention called CONvergence here in Minnesota back in 1999, and still work on it now that it’s grown to a 4-day, 6,000-person event. This year’s CONvergence theme is British Invasion, and it seemed like a no-brainer to bring my friend Travis Richey (aka Inspector Spacetime) to the convention. If you’re a fan of NBC’s Community, you probably know who The Inspector is – traveling through time and space on British television since 1962.

Travis wanted to come, so Hal Bichel and I took it upon ourselves to make it happen. We’re doing an IndiGoGo lightning campaign to help cover the costs, as airfare and hotels aren’t cheap and we’re not made of money! If you’re coming to CONvergence this year (and you should) and want to see Inspector Spacetime there (and you should) please visit our IndiGoGo campaign. You can read more about Travis, the ongoing adventures of The Inspector in Untitled Web Series About A Space Traveler Who Can Also Travel Through Time, and the great perks we have for contributors!

Inspector Spacetime IndiGoGo image

Won’t you help Hal and Chris bring Inspector Spacetime to CONvergence 2013?


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Inspector Spacetime – The QUESTION is WHEN! Sun, 09 Sep 2012 18:07:45 +0000 The ANSWER is TOMORROW!

Inspect the Uninspected

Inspect the Uninspected

Travis Richey who played Inspector Spacetime on Community brings the Inspector back in the remarkably similar but legally distinct guise of The Inspector in the Untitled Web Series About A Space Traveler Who Can Also Travel Through Time. Above is a wallpaper I made to help promote its web premiere on Monday, September 10.

Below is a handy image you can post on Facebook if you’d like to show your support for the show.

This Person Loves Inspector Spacetime

Post me on Facebook!

You can learn more about the Untitled Web Series at their official site at or on their Facebook page at

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