Comments on: Coming in June: Young Justice #17 Fri, 22 Jun 2012 14:29:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christopher Jones Fri, 22 Jun 2012 14:29:40 +0000 In reply to Eddy.

Before I got the script I’d been planning to plot out a “path of destruction” for the giant snake that worked with the real topography of Minneapolis. As it turned out, you really only see the snake in two locations – crushing a skyway in Downtown Minneapolis and at the Guthrie Theater. Still, chose a skyway in downtown Minneapolis that offered a view of a number of iconic buildings and landmarks in Minneapolis, and when the script called for the heroes to be perched on a building overlooking the Guthrie, I found another landmark building that was positioned correctly to do the job!

Right now I’m getting to do the “Young Justice” design for a major villain in the DC Universe and loving it. You’ll have to check out Young Justice #20 to see who it is!

By: Eddy Thu, 21 Jun 2012 08:36:13 +0000 Since you haven’t got a separate thread for this issue yet, and I’m literally bursting with excitement, I’ll just do this here.

* Lots of Minneapolis, which you probably loved to draw. With all the landmarks, did you keep any sense of continuity (did you plot out the snake’s route?), or did you just cram as many in there as you could?
* A lot of the bystanders are drawn with such detail – the woman at Nicolet Mall, the scarf guy at Guthrie Theater – that I suspect they’re based on friends of yours.

By: Christopher Jones Tue, 20 Mar 2012 20:13:09 +0000 In reply to Eddy.

I deliberately avoided pairing Artemis with Shimmer, as I dislike that cliche as well. So while it would have been fun to show Shimmer catching one of Artemis’ arrows, I instead had her parrying attacks from Kid Flash, while Artemis’s arrows stick in Mammoth’s armored hide.

And I’m looking forward to more Kobra, too. The rematch with Robin should be fun!

By: Eddy Tue, 20 Mar 2012 17:46:02 +0000 I like how Artemis fights Mammoth and not Shimmer – too often, girl heroes are “paired” with girl villains. Looking forward to Kobra – too bad he hasn’t appeared since episode 4.
