Young Justice – Christopher Jones Comic Art and Illustration Blog Mon, 22 Apr 2024 07:12:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 42733131 C2E2 – Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo 2024 Mon, 22 Apr 2024 06:37:53 +0000 C2E2 2024 Tickets Are Now On Sale - Here's What To Know

I’m excited to be returning to C2E2 for the first time in a few years. Chicago is a favorite town of mine and I always have a great time at C2E2. This will be my first time attending since relocating to the Los Angeles area, so it’s going to be a bit of an adjustment to be flying to Chicago instead of road-tripping from Minneapolis!
I will be at the convention all three days (April 26-28) at Artist Alley table H-17 selling prints and comics featuring my art, and generally chatting with fans who want to stop by and say hello. As always, autographs are free. I’ll also be taking a VERY LIMITED number of request for original sketch commissions, so if you’re interested, stop by EARLY and reserve your space on the list.

More details below:

C2E2 will be held in the South Building at McCormick Place located at 2301 S. Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, Illinois. Artist Alley will be in the same section of the show floor as last year, in the back right section of the South Hall.                         

Artist Alley Hours are:

Friday, April 26: 10:00 AM — 7:00 PM
Saturday, April 27: 10:00 AM — 7:00 PM
Sunday, April 28: 10:00 AM — 5:00 PM

Art Prints

My prints are 11″x17″ on cardstock paper. They are $20 each (already a savings over what they cost when ordered from my Etsy store), but I can offer a discount of 3 for $50. I’ll have a selection of Young Justice and Doctor Who prints available, plus Justice League and Harley Quinn prints. And of course, I’m not coming to Chicago without bringing my Svengoolie portrait, as seen on the set of the Svengoolie TV show!

Harley Quinn - Check Please

In addition to many of the old favorites I’ll have available again this year, I have SIX new Young Justice prints being offered at a convention for the first time at C2E2 2024!

If you can’t make it to C2E2, all my prints are also available from my Etsy store.

I have very few slots available for commissions left, so if you’re interested I’d suggest seeking me out EARLY. If I’m drawing on my own paper I’ve got 9″x12″ bristol, but I will also draw in sketchbooks or on sketch covers if you bring them to me. Head-and-shoulders sketches are $100 and a full figure is $200.



I hope to see you there!

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Emerald City Comic Con 2024 Mon, 26 Feb 2024 02:52:29 +0000

I’m delighted to be returning to Emerald City Comic Con, February 29—March 3, 2024. I’ll be set up at Artist Alley table B-11 selling prints and comics featuring my art, and generally chatting with fans who want to stop by and say hello. As always, autographs are free. I’ll also be taking a VERY LIMITED number of request for original sketch commissions, so if you’re interested, stop by EARLY and reserve your space on the list.

More details below:

Emerald City ComiCon is being held at the Seattle Convention Center, with Artist Alley located on the 2nd Floor of the Summit building.

Artist Alley Hours are:
Thursday:   10:00am—7:00pm
Friday:        10:00am—7:00pm
Saturday:   10:00am—7:00pm
Sunday:      10:00am—5:00pm

My prints are 11″x17″ on cardstock paper. They are $20 each (already a savings over what they cost when ordered from my Etsy store), but I can offer a discount of 3 for $50. I’ll have a selection of Young Justice and Doctor Who prints available, plus Justice League and Harley Quinn prints.

Harley Quinn - Check Please

I still have copies available of Once Upon a Time Lord, the recent Doctor Who graphic novel by Marvel writer Dan Slott, with artwork by myself, Matthew Dow Smith and Mike Collins, and Heralds of Destruction, the Third Doctor mini-series I drew with a script by Paul Cornell. Those books are $20 each, and can be bundled with prints for that 3 for $50 discount.



I’m doing commission sketches for the first time in a while at the convention this year. If I’m drawing on my own paper I’ve got 9″x12″ bristol, but I will also draw in sketchbooks or on sketch covers if you bring them to me. Head-and-shoulders sketches are $100 and a full figure is $200.



I hope to see you there!

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Reserve your print before NYCC! Fri, 29 Sep 2023 00:39:41 +0000

I’ve done so many print designs that I can’t bring them all with me to conventions. If you’re coming to see me at New York Comic Con 2023 (ArtistsAlley table A-14) I’ll be selling 11×17 color prints for $20 or 3 for $50 – but I’ll have a limited selection. I want to bring a variety of Young Justice prints, Doctor Who prints, my new Harley Quinn print, plus favorites like Justice League and Svengoolie. But that quickly adds up to more than I can haul with me on my cross-country trek from Los Angeles to New York. So in my attempt to streamline my convention operations, I’ll going to be limited the number selection of prints I’ll be bringing with me, which means I might just leave your favorite design behind. UNLESS – you reserve your print in advance!

Please check out to see the full selection of prints I have available. You can order them directly from there, but if you’re coming to NYCC 2023 and want to buy it from in person at the lower convention rate, you can reserve any print from my archive I’ll bring a copy to NYCC and hold it for you!

Message me at Let me know:

1) What print(s) you’d like to reserve for NYCC
2) Your name
3) and (if possible) What day you expect to stop by Artist Alley Table A-14 and pick it up.

I’ll have your reserved print(s) waiting for you at my table for you to purchase at my convention rates!

This is a first-time experiment I’m trying as a way to deal with the size of my selection of prints becoming a little unmanageable, but I don’t want to disappoint fans who come to my table looking for prints they’ve seen in past years or online. We’ll see how it goes!


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Christopher Jones at NYCC 2023! Fri, 08 Sep 2023 04:36:43 +0000 Artist Alley Map
I am delighted to be returning again this year to New York Comic Con, October 12-15 at the Javits Center in the heart of Manhattan. This year, NYCC Artist Alley will be returning to Hall 1B on the 1st Floor of the building, and I’ll at Artist Alley table B-10 all four days. Artist Alley hours are as follows:

Thursday 10am – 8pm
Friday 10am – 8pm
Saturday 10am – 8pm
Sunday 10am – 5pm

And in case you don’t read all the way to the end of this long post, remember: I love chatting with fans, and autographs and photos are always free!


Books for Sale

At my Artist Alley table I’ll be selling and signing (while supplies last) of Young Justice: Targets, collecting of issues 1-6 comic series that follows the events of the most recent season of the animated TV series Young Jusitice Phantoms. I’ll also have copies of my Doctor Who mini-series, The Third Doctor: Heralds of Destruction. Stop by early before they’re gone.


Art Prints

I’ll have my usual selection of prints for sale, including a couple of brand new ones making their debut appearance at NYCC 2023. Check back as the convention gets closer for previews. I’ll also have other favorites from Young Justice, Doctor Who and other series. All my prints are all available from my Etsy store., where 11″x17″ prints go for $30, but they’re only $20 at NYCC, and on top of that I’m be offering a 3-for-$50 deal.


Original Comic Art for Sale

I’ll have a portfolio full for of original art for sale, from Comic Book Page Art for to sketches and smaller drawings. Stop by to browse or purchase. Individual pieces priced as marked.


And finally…

Stop by to show me you follow me on ANY of my Social Media platforms and get a free 4″x6″ mini-print! This year’s design features a promo image from Young Justice Phantoms!


See you at NYCC!!!


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Join Me in the Metaverse Thu, 08 Oct 2020 08:25:37 +0000


It’s been the year without conventions…

After having had to pass on Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) this year because of scheduling, the pandemic saw the cancellation of my usual cycle of conventions: Emerald City Comic Con, MCBA SpringCon, CONvergence, and now New York Comic Con. I’ve been working away as part of the crew of Season 4 of Young Justice from my apartment in Studio City, CA. I’m doing fine, but definitely missing my usual convention rounds. I’ve missed the time with friends, the travel, meeting fans, and the whole convention experience. So I jumped at the chance to take part in the Metaverse event put on my Reedpop, the people behind NYCC.

Christopher Jones Metaverse ad

What is Metaverse? Here’s how they describe themselves:

New York Comic Con x MCM Comic Con’s Metaverse is a virtual realm that is the sum of all fandoms, taking place on October 8-11. 

You’ll encounter FREE panels streamed to YouTube, experience one-of-a-kind interactions with your favorite celebs and creators, discover new releases, explore a rich exhibitor marketplace and our famous Artist Alley, get access to exclusive merchandise, and connect with other fans from across the globe to celebrate all things pop culture.

Check out their main page here:

Shortcut to Artist Alley listing:


If you find my Artist Alley listing, the link will just take you back to this website. So where you can you buy my stuff? Here.

And for the rest of October, if you use the Coupon Code “METAVERSE” you can get 33% off any order of $50 or more. Which means you can get any 11″x17″ color print that normally sells online for $30 for the convention price of $20 if you buy 2 or more.

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Christopher Jones at Gallifrey One 2020 Mon, 10 Feb 2020 12:09:59 +0000

I am delighted to be returning as a guest to the Gallifrey One convention, February 14-16 at the Marriott Los Angeles Airport Hotel. I have a great time every year at Gallifrey One, and this is the first time I’ll be attending as a local, since moving to Los Angeles in December!

This year I will NOT have a table in the Dealers Room, but there will still be plenty of opportunities to see me and (if you are so inclined) buy my art!

Here’s my schedule:

Friday, February 14


1:00pm – Autographs

I’ll be signing autographs and selling prints in the Autograph area for two hours each day of the convention. Autographs are always free and I’m happy to sign items you already own. Stop by and say hello!

6:00pm – The Game of Rassilon

Christopher Jones • Dan Peck • Michael Nixon • Ben Paddon • Riley Silverman
Once more, we play our dangerous game, a game of chess against our old adversaries… wait. That’s Hunt for Red October. Sorry. This is silly Doctor Who speed role-playing in front of an audience. Come see the fun!

Saturday, February 15


1:00pm – Autographs

It’s the second daily autographic block. I should be there until 3pm. Come see me!

4:00pm – Taking Your Love of Doctor Who to the Next Level

Christopher Jones • Lauren Bancroft • Abie Ekenezar • Andy Hicks • Jennifer Picker • Brian Uiga • Kevin Wilcox
I started as a Doctor Who fan and now I draw Doctor Who comics! Crazy, right? Come here about the individual journeys of the panelists from Who fandom to something… more!

8:00pm – The Masquerade of Mandragora 2020, Featuring “The Time of the Comedy”

Christopher Jones • Tony Lee • Lauren Bancroft • Abie Ekenezar • Joseph Scrimshaw • Riley Silverman
Something funny will happen to fill time during the Masquerade judging. We hope.

Sunday, February 16


11:00am – Christopher Jones: Illustrating the Future

If I had titled this I would have called it Doctor Who: Heralds of Destruction – Live commentary. I see actors do live commentary on their TV episodes all the time at these conventions. Why can’t I do the same for my comic book work? I’ll be talking about my creative process and sharing some behind-the-scenes stories and easter eggs from the Third Doctor mini-series I drew, based on a story by Paul Cornell!

12:00pm – Autographs

Last chance of the weekend to come get something signed or buy one of my prints. Don’t miss out! (I’ll have to leave a bit before 2pm to get to my next panel…

2:00pm – Current Star Trek Comics

Paul Cornell • Jody Houser • Christopher Jones • Collin Kelly • Jackson Lanzing • Denton Tipton Paul and I will be talking about our brand-new Star Trek: Year Five Valentine’s Day special as part of a presentation on what’s happening with IDW’s Star Trek comics.
Again, I’m always happy to talk to fans and make new friends, so please come say hello. Autographs and photos are always free!
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Christopher Jones at NYCC 2019! Tue, 01 Oct 2019 08:05:31 +0000

I am delighted to be returning again this year to New York Comic Con, October 3-6 at the Javits Center in the heart of Manhattan. This year, NYCC Artist Alley will be returning to Hall 1B on the 1st Floor of the building, and I’ll at Artist Alley table B-10 all four days. Artist Alley hours are as follows:

Thursday 10am – 8pm
Friday 10am – 8pm
Saturday 10am – 8pm
Sunday 10am – 5pm

I was too busy to other deadlines to solicit commission sketches in advance of the con, but will ABSOLUTELY be doing sketches there. My sketch list fills up FAST, so if you want a sketch from me during the convention, I recommend seeking me out and getting in my list as early as possible!

And in case you don’t read all the way to the end of this long post, remember: I love chatting with fans, and autographs and photos are always free!

Svengoolie Meets the DC Universe

Have you heard about Svengoolie Meets the DC Universe? The 8-page epic has the Me-TV horror host meeting the Justice League and a certain Clown Prince of Crime, and will be serialized in 2-page chapters inserted into DC Comics starting October 16, with a the whole thing collected into a comic that Svengoolie will have at signings and appearances as he celebrates his 40th Anniversary. And I drew it! I’ll be doing a signing with Svengoolie himself at the DC Comics Booth on Friday from 12:30pm – 1:30pm, just before the DC Presents Svengoolie panel from 2:45pm – 3:45pm, in room 1A06.

Svengoolie (Rich Koz) with Christopher Jones

I will NOT have my Svengoolie print (as seen on the set of Sven’s TV show) for sale at the signing, but I *will* have it available at my Artist Alley table, so pick one up beforehand if you’re hoping to get one signed by Sven!

Books for Sale

At my Artist Alley table I’ll be selling and signing (while supplies last) of Young Justice Book 1: The Early Missions, collecting of issues 0-13 of the tie-in comic to the Young Justice animated TV series, and Marvel Action Spider-man: Spider Chase, collecting issues 4-6 of Marvel Action Spider-man. Both feature artwork by myself I’m delighted to have these collected into book form. I’ll also have copies of my Doctor Who mini-series, The Third Doctor: Heralds of Destruction and The Seventh Doctor: Operation Volcano. Stop by early before they’re gone.

Art Prints

I’ll have my usual selection of prints for sale. The making their debut at NYCC 2019 are two Young Justice prints: “Recognized” featuring the original team as they appear in Season 3, and “Bowhunter Security,” from the fan-favorite episode of Young Justice Outsiders. Also making it’s debut as a print is “Fam,” featuring the 13th Doctor and her companions. This artwork was originally a variant cover for the Doctor Who comic from Titan Comics.

I’ll also have other favorites from Young Justice, Doctor Who and other series. My prints are all available from my Etsy store., where 11″x17″ prints go for $30, but they’re only $20 at NYCC, and on top of that I’m be offering a 3-for-$50 deal.

I also have a selection of other prints in color and black and white at a smaller 8.5″x11″ size for $5 and $10 including this popular item.

Commission Sketches

All of my convention sketches are black ink on 9×12″ bristol. I will also draw on comic book sketch covers and in sketchbooks if you provide them. I expect demand to exceed my available time, so come see me early to get on my list so you don’t miss out!

Here are my sketch rates. Samples of different varieties of sketches are below!

  • Single Character – Full Figure: $100
  • Two Characters – Full Figure: $180
  • Head Sketch or Head-and-Shoulder: $60
  • Three or more characters, or 11×17 sketches: ($200+ – Will negotiate price based on request)

Headshot or Head-and-Shoulder Sketches ($60)

Headshot - Darkseid Headshot - Deadpool as Spiderman Headshot - Two-Face Headshot - Penguin Headshot - Joker Headshot - Kid Flash Headshot - Christopher Reeve


Single-Character Sketches ($100)

1 Character - Spider-man 1 Character - Batgirl Classic 1 Character - Black Beetle 1 Character - Wonder Woman 1 Character - Dr Fate 1 Character - Taskmaster 1 Character - Captain Marvel 1 Character - Robin 1 Character - Batgirl 1 Character - Zoom 1 Character - Golden Age Sandman 1 Character - Disco Wing 1 Character - Artemis 1 Character - Wildfire 1 Character - Superboy 1 Character - Batman


Two-Character Sketches ($180)

(Note that an elaborate object like the TARDIS counts as a second character)

2 Character - Superboy & Miss Martian 2 Character - Third Doctor & Tardis 2 Character - Superboy & Wolf2 Character - LadyBug & CatNoir


Three-Character or
Negotiated Flat-Rate Sketches ($200+)

3 Character - Batman Robin Alfred  Sketch Cover - Doom Patrol 

More Sketch Covers

(More samples of sketch covers I’ve done at various rates.)

Sketch Cover - Pertwee Wrap Around Sketch Cover - Troughton w Background  Sketch Cover - Capaldi Wrap Sketch Cover - Wrap Darkseid Sketch Cover - Skeletor    


And finally…

Stop by to show me you follow me on ANY of my Social Media platforms and get a free 4″x6″ mini-print! This year’s design features the Captains Marvel!

See you at NYCC!!!

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The Big News – Yes, I work on the show Sun, 25 Aug 2019 18:56:30 +0000 I’ve joked that for the last several years that thing I most commonly say to fans at comic book conventions is “I didn’t work on the show, I just drew the Young Justice companion comics.” It’s largely true.

When I say that I’m not trying to diminish that work on any way in comparison to the show, I’m very, VERY proud of the work I did on those comics. But a lot of fans see my Young Justice artwork and assume I worked on the show, or worse yet, that the show is somehow based on my work. So I’m always quick to clarify my role and give full credit to the amazing people that produce the show, including lead character designer Phil Bourassa and his team for creating the visual landscape I have been privileged enough to play in. Which results in “I didn’t work on the show, just the comic.”

Well that line is going to have to change.

In December I’m going to be moving to Burbank, California and will be working as a Storyboard Revisionist on Season 4 of Young Justice.

This is a huge, life-changing development for me. First of all is just moving to California. Aside from several months spent at Art School in Chicago I’ve lived in Minnesota all my life. I’ve visited the Los Angeles area many times, and even the Warner Brothers Animation facility where Young Justice is produced, but never imagined I’d soon be living and working out there.

This change is largely coming as a result of a conversation I had with Young Justice co-producer (as well as my friend and collaborator on the YJ comic) Greg Weisman in March when we were both at Emerald City Comic Con. I was expressing frustration with the state of my comics career. As much as comic book art was my childhood dream job, I confessed that I’d often thought I could also have been happy working in the animation field, but it seemed a bit late to be making that change, as I’d be starting all over again in a new field. Greg told me he didn’t think it would be as impossible a transition as I was describing, and suggested that if I was serious I should talk to his Young Justice co-producer Brandon Vietti about it.

I ended up talking to Brandon by phone and he was equally encouraging, and thought I could start out doing work storyboarding or as a Storyboard Revisionist. So I updated my resume for the first time in 17 years (no one hiring comic book artists asks to see a resume) and gathered samples of storyboard work I’d done on a few projects over the last decade and submitted them to WB Animation. And now I start in December!

What does a Storyboard Revisionist do? My understanding is that I take the rough boards drawn by another artist based on the script, and revise them as needed to bring them more “on model” for the character designs and make other small changes as directed, before the boards are sent overseas for animation. I’ll have a much better understanding of the logistics of all that by the end of the year!

So now I need to find a place to rent in Burbank (any leads or assistance from my L.A. friends is very welcome!) and organize the move! The life-transforming scale of this change is a little terrifying, but I can’t imagine doing this under better circumstances. On the one hand it’s a leap into the unknown but it’s freaking YOUNG JUSTICE and the people in charge are friends. I knew this show was leaving a huge footprint in my life, but this is crazy! I’m WHELMED! I’m FEELING THE ASTER!

And while I’m here, a couple of other Young Justice related notes:

  • I haven’t heard anything new as far as more Young Justice tie-in comics, even though I think they’d be a GREAT way to keep the fans engaged during the long wait between seasons 3 and 4, which will be more than a year. Greg and I would still love to do them, but even if the comic was a digital-only exclusive on the DC Universe streaming platform, it’s still up to DC Comics.
  • No, I don’t think I’m done drawing comics forever, but any comics projects will have to be scheduled around my animation commitments for the foreseeable future.
  • Yes, I’ll be doing more Young Justice prints, including prints based on Season 3 characters. I’ve just needed the time to work on them and have been waiting to see all of Season 3 to decide what prints to do! (If I’d started before the 2nd half of the season, I’d have had a totally different idea of what group of characters were identified as being the “Outsiders.” I hope to have a couple of new prints done in time for New York Comic Con.
  • The previous Young Justice prints I’ve done (along with my other superhero and Doctor Who prints) are available from my Etsy store or you can get them from me directly at my convention appearances.

I’ll try to do a better job of updating this page throughout the process of this transition, and share as much of the experience of joining the Season 4 team as I can, but I’m under NDAs which means I’ll know more but can say even less about what’s coming. As Greg likes to say… NO SPOILERS!


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Young Justice RETURNS – Young Justice Outsiders Wed, 02 Jan 2019 00:04:43 +0000

I spent years at conventions talking to fans of Young Justice who were heartbroken the show had ended after Season 2. I’d tell them all hope wasn’t lost and that it was possible the show could return.

Once both seasons of the series were on Netflix and Greg Weisman spearheaded the campaign to encourage fans to watch the hell out of it on that platform to show the demand for the series, rumors started popping up everywhere that a deal had already been struck to revive the show. So then the messaging shifted to telling fans “No, there was not a deal in place YET, but YES it could still happen.”

In November 2016 it was announced that the show would return on the new DC Universe streaming platform under the title Young Justice Outsiders. But it would be a long wait for fans, as the show was being announced at the BEGINNING of it’s production cycle, rather than close to a premiere as is more typical with animated series announcements.

All this time I had people congratulating me on the show’s return or otherwise assuming I was involved with the production. I’d explain that I was *never* involved with the production of the show, I was the artist of the tie-in comic and wouldn’t be directly involved in any revival unless the comic was revived as well. So many explanations and so much waiting…

It’s 2019 and the wait is ending.

January 2 will see “Torch Songs,” the first new Young Justice story since 2013 as part 1 of a new comic story by Greg Weisman and myself launches as a digital-only exclusive on The DC Universe streaming platform, with part 2 following the next day. It features a story set between seasons 2 and 3 of Young Justice, featuring Miss Martian, Superboy, Batgirl and Beast Boy dealing with the villainous Psimon.

Part 1:

Part 2:


The Young Justice tie-in comics are written by Greg Weisman and are considered part of the narrative canon of the animated TV series. The original run of tie-in comics (issues #1-25) are available on The DC Universe in addition to this new story, so if you missed them this is the perfect chance to catch up! If the comics are popular enough there, it increases the chances of us being able to do more, in much the same way that the popularity of Seasons 1 and 2 of Young Justice on Netflix led to Outsiders being produced.


January 4 will at long last see the launch of Young Justice Outsiders, with three episodes per week released on The DC Universe through the rest of the month. After the first 13 episodes, the show will take a break until returning for the second half of the season in June. Producers Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti return, along with character designer Phil Bourassa and many of the same voice actors, writers, directors and crew that made Seasons 1 & 2 so special. This is not a re-imaging or a reboot, it’s the Season 3 the original storytellers weren’t able to do back in the day, just produced a few years later and without the restrictions of working for a Network.

I was thrilled to get to revisit the characters with a new comic book story. Greg and I would both love to do more, but if that doesn’t happen, it’s been a joy. I look forward to enjoying a new 26-episode season of Young Justice with all of you.

So with reaction videos becoming a thing for popular TV shows in the last few years, are you going to get reaction videos for episodes of Young Justice Outsiders? I say we should! #YJReaction

Who knows what the future might bring? More comics? Season 4? We shall see.

Christopher Jones Young Justice Prints for sale

Original Young Justice comic pages for sale on eBay

Photos from Young Justice convention meet-ups
New York Comic Con 2013 Photos (including Young Justice meet-up)
New York Comic Con 2014 Photos (including Young Justice meet-up)
New York Comic Con 2015 Photos (including Young Justice meet-up)
New York Comic Con 2016 Photos (including Young Justice meet-up)


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Christopher Jones at New York Comic Con 2018 Tue, 02 Oct 2018 19:19:08 +0000

This is my SEVENTH year at New York Comic Con and I couldn’t be more excited. This year Artist Alley will be in Hall 1B on the 1st Floor of the Javits Center and I will be at Booth B11 all 4 days!

I can be found at my booth the following hours:

Thursday  10:00am – 2:00pm, 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Friday         10:00am – 2:00pm, 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Saturday    10:00am – 2:00pm, 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Sunday       10:00am – 5:00pm

Click here to add me to your My Show favorites so you remember to stop by!

FREE Convention Exclusive Mini-Print!

I have a new FREE convention exclusive mini-print for Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Facebook followers! It’s Squirrel Girl. With the Infinity Gauntlet. Because reasons. And it can be yours free.

Just show me that you follow me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr, or like my Facebook page to claim one! And I’ll still have a limited supply of the ever popular Squirrel Girl with the Infinity GauntletMillennial Falcon, and Wonder Woman in the Invisible Jet mini-prints, and Batman buttons free for followers if you would rather pick up one of those. Remember, these are convention-exclusive freebies. The only way to get one of these items to find me at a convention!


These are just a few samples of the prints I’ll have available. You can preview ALL my prints in my Etsy store. New York Comic Con pricing is indicated below in red.

11 x 17 – $20 each or 3 for $50

8.5×11 “Letter Size” Prints – $10 each

8.5×11 “Letter Size” Prints – $5 each

  Wonder Woman 77

Commission Sketches

I will be doing commission sketches during New York Comic Con, but I expect my sketch list to fill up FAST, so if you’re hoping to get a sketch from me, try to stop by my Artist Alley table as early as possible.

Here are my sketch rates. Samples of different varieties of sketches are below!

  • Single Character – Full Figure: $100
  • Two Characters – Full Figure: $180
  • Head Sketch or Head-and-Shoulder: $60
  • Three or more characters, or 11×17 sketches: ($200+ – Will negotiate price based on request)

I expect demand to exceed my available time, so I will commit to commissions on a first-come, first-served basis. Place your order early so you don’t miss out!

Check out my post about pre-ordering sketches for LOTS more samples:

Headshot or Head-and-Shoulder Sketches ($60)

Headshot - Darkseid Headshot - Deadpool as Spiderman Headshot - Two-Face Headshot - Penguin  Headshot - Kid Flash Headshot - Christopher Reeve

Single-Character Sketches ($100)

1 Character - Spider-man 1 Character - Batgirl Classic 1 Character - Black Beetle 1 Character - Wonder Woman 1 Character - Dr Fate        1 Character - Artemis 1 Character - Wildfire  1 Character - Batman

Two-Character Sketches ($180)

2 Character - Superboy & Miss Martian  2 Character - Superboy & Wolf2 Character - LadyBug & CatNoir

3-Character or Negotiated Flat-Rate Sketches ($200+)

3 Character - Batman Robin Alfred 3 Character - Flash & Kid Flash vs Grodd Sketch Cover - Doom Patrol 

More Sketch Covers
(More samples of sketch covers I’ve done at various rates.)

Sketch Cover - Pertwee Wrap Around    Sketch Cover - Wrap Darkseid    

Mister J!!

Joining me once again at the con will be booth babe cosplay personality Mr. J! He’s generally happy to take photos with anybody and may even have something special for kids – what a clown!





  • Autographs are always free and I’ll sign anything you bring me. (Check out my guide to asking for signatures and drawings at conventions!)
  • I do not charge for photos and I am happy to take a photo with anyone who asks!
  • I’m happy to do interviews, podcasts, snippets, goofy stuff, and whatever any day but Sunday, but the earlier you can drop by, the better!

I think that about wraps up it up. If you’re going to be at New York Comic Con 2018, make sure you stop by Artist Alley booth B11! See you there!
